Date of birth: | Jul 30, 1989 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Supervised furlough eligibility: | Not Eligible |
Sid: | SC01727912 |
Sentence start date: | Jan 24, 2013 |
Sentence length: | 3 years |
Scdc id: | 00336038 |
Projected parole eligibility: | Not Eligible |
Offense: | Burglary-2nd Deg/non-viol |
Offender type: | Adult-straight Sentence |
Complexion: | Medium Brown |
Committing county: | Richland |
Citizen: | Citizen - Native Born |
Build: | Slight |
Admission date: | Mar 5, 2013 |
Release date: | Nov 24, 2014 |
Booking location: | Richland County, SC |
Booking location: | Richland County, SC |
Warrant code: | I902275 |
Offensedescription: | Assault / Assault & Battery by Mob, 2nd degree (Serious bodily injury results) |
Bondcourt: | COUNTY |
Bond type: | SB |
Warrant code: | I902272 |
Offensedescription: | Assault / Assault & Battery by Mob, 3rd degree (Bodily injury results) |
Bondcourt: | COUNTY |
Bond type: | SB |
Bond amount: | $50,000 |
Warrant code: | I902273 |
Offensedescription: | Weapons / Pointing and presenting firearms at a person |
Bondcourt: | COUNTY |
Bond type: | SB |
Warrant code: | I902274 |
Offensedescription: | Murder / Attempted Murder |
Bondcourt: | COUNTY |
Bond type: | SB |
Warrant code: | K643569 |
Offensedescription: | Burglary / Burglary (Non - Violent) (After June 20, 1985) - Second degree |
Bond type: | SB |
Bond amount: | $7,500 |
Warrant code: | K643570 |
Offensedescription: | Larceny / Petit or Simple Larceny |
Bond type: | SB |
Warrant code: | I938717 |
Offensedescription: | Burglary / Burglary (Non - Violent) (After June 20, 1985) - Second degree |
Bond type: | SB |
Bond amount: | $10,000 |
Warrant code: | I938716 |
Offensedescription: | Larceny / Petit or Simple Larceny |
Bond type: | SB |
Warrant code: | I902398 |
Offensedescription: | Weapons / Ammunition, use, man., poss., purchase, or sale of Teflon coated ammunition |
Bondcourt: | COUNTY |
Bond type: | SB |
Bond amount: | $5,000 |
Warrant code: | Y-40-11-0075 |