Date of birth: | Apr 3, 1992 |
Reason held: | Under Sentence |
Inmate location: | Dakota County Jail |
Arresting agency: | MN0190500 - ROSEMOUNT PD |
Arrest date: | Aug 23, 2012 |
Arrest location: | Mn0190300 - Hastings Pd |
Booking number: | 1206614 |
Booking date: | Aug 23, 2012 |
Release date: | Nov 10, 2012 |
Booking location: | Dakota County, MN |
Type: | Sentenced |
Statute number: | 588.20.2(4) |
Disp date: | Aug 23, 2012 |
Court number: | 19HA-CR-12-411 |
Control agency: | MN0190500 - ROSEMOUNT PD |
Charge level: | MS |
Charge disp: | Sent. straight time |
Charge: | Contempt of Court - Willful Disobedience to Court Mandate - MS |
Type: | Sentenced |
Statute number: | 609.2242.1(1) |
Disp date: | Aug 23, 2012 |
Court number: | 19HA-CR-11-4386 |
Control agency: | MN0190500 - ROSEMOUNT PD |
Charge level: | MS |
Charge disp: | Sent. straight time |
Charge: | Domestic Assault-Misdemeanor-Commits Act to Cause Fear of Immediate Bodily Harm or Death - MS |