Date of birth: | May 1984 |
Booking location: | Delaware |
Warrant: | U411036086 |
Docket: | 1002005076 |
Court: | New Castle County Court Of Com |
Comments: | Capias /Arraignment/Fictitious Or Cancelled Registration Car D, Number Plate Or Tag/Fictitious Or Cancelled Registration |
Warrant: | K111010856 |
Docket: | 1108014944 |
Court: | Justice Of The Peace Court 11 |
Comments: | Capias Fta/Criminal Impersonation Impersonates Another To Ob |
Warrant: | U411038670 |
Docket: | 0401015282 |
Court: | New Castle County Court Of Com |
Comments: | Capias /Fail To Appear - Jury Trial/Disorderly Conduct; Nois E Offensive Utterance Gesture Display Abusive Language |