Craig Couchis

Last Updated: February 15th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
6′ 1″ (1.85m)
190lbs (86kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1965
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
State id: 425064
SO#: 202816
Inmate location: 17
Housing section: 05
Housing block: C
Booked at: SALT LAKE
Cob: Utah
Bed: A
Pob: USA
Inmate status: Active

Documented Aliases


Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Orem PD
Arrest date: Sep 3, 2016
Booking number: 342713
Booking date: Sep 3, 2016
Booking location: Utah County, UT

Booking number: 12041297
Booking date: Aug 9, 2012
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 9922824
Booking date: Sep 15, 1999
Release date: Sep 22, 1999
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 9921737
Booking date: Sep 3, 1999
Release date: Sep 3, 1999
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 9917094
Booking date: Jul 13, 1999
Release date: Jul 16, 1999
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 9912970
Booking date: May 26, 1999
Release date: May 31, 1999
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 9826605
Booking date: Nov 16, 1998
Release date: Dec 17, 1998
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 9825785
Booking date: Nov 6, 1998
Release date: Nov 6, 1998
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 9820408
Booking date: Sep 2, 1998
Release date: Sep 4, 1998
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 9708929
Booking date: Apr 18, 1997
Release date: Nov 12, 1997
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 9612741
Booking date: Jul 16, 1996
Release date: Sep 26, 1996
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 9511478
Booking date: May 26, 1995
Release date: Jun 9, 1995
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 9507854
Booking date: Apr 10, 1995
Release date: Apr 14, 1995
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Recent Charges

Offense date: Aug 9, 2012
Grade: F
Description: Distribution cont substance (meth)
Degree: 2

Offense date: Aug 9, 2012
Grade: F
Description: Controlled substance
Degree: 3

Offense date: Aug 9, 2012
Grade: M
Description: Marijuana - possession of
Degree: B

Offense date: Aug 9, 2012
Grade: M
Description: Drug paraphernalia MIS B (personal use)
Degree: B
Code: 58.37a.5.1

Statute: 76-8-507(2)
Definition: False Personal Info W/Intent T
Court: SLC 3rd District Court
Case number: 161906973
Bond type: Bondable
Bond amount: $2,500
Arrested held for: Warrant of Arrest

Statute: 58-37-8(1)(A)(III)
Definition: Poss W/ Intent To Dist C/Subst
Court: 4th District Court
Case number: 161402717
Bond type: Cash Only
Bond amount: $9,999
Arrested held for: New Charge

Statute: 58-37-8(1)(A)(III)
Definition: Poss W/ Intent To Dist C/Subst
Court: SLC 3rd District Court
Case number: 131902586
Bond type: Bondable
Bond amount: $15,000
Arrested held for: Warrant of Arrest

Statute: 58-37-8(1)(A)(III)
Definition: Poss W/ Intent To Dist C/Subst
Court: 4th District Court
Case number: 161402717
Bond type: Cash Only
Bond amount: $0
Arrested held for: New Charge

Statute: 58-37-8(1)(A)(III)
Definition: Poss W/ Intent To Dist C/Subst
Court: SLC 3rd District Court
Case number: 131900407
Bond type: Bondable
Bond amount: $15,000
Arrested held for: Warrant of Arrest

Statute: 53-3-227
Definition: Drive On Denied License
Court: 4th District Court
Case number: 161402717
Bond type: Cash Only
Bond amount: $0
Arrested held for: New Charge

Statute: 58-37A-5(1)
Definition: Use Or Possession Of Drug Para
Court: 4th District Court
Case number: 161402717
Bond type: Cash Only
Bond amount: $0
Arrested held for: New Charge

Statute: 76-8-507(1)
Definition: Giving False Personal Identity
Court: 4th District Court
Case number: 161402717
Bond type: Cash Only
Bond amount: $0
Arrested held for: New Charge

Statute: 41-6A-710(1)(A)
Definition: Fail To Operate Within A Singl
Court: 4th District Court
Case number: 161402717
Bond type: Cash Only
Bond amount: $0
Arrested held for: New Charge

Bonds Issued

Status: Open
Amount: $0

Amount: $437

Number: 971900747
Amount: $100,000

Number: 981920589
Amount: $20,000

Number: 991914730
Amount: $5,000

Number: 96101206
Amount: $300

Number: 971900747

Number: NA
Amount: $5,555

Number: 951901508

Number: 951901509

Number: 961901402

Number: 971008984FS
Amount: $10,000

Amount: $5,000

Amount: $2,500
Number: 951007516

Amount: $100

Number: 951009664FS
Amount: $25,000

Number: NA
Amount: $2,082

Amount: $1,480

Number: 951901508
Amount: $10,000

Number: 981920589
Amount: $15,000

Number: 951001239
Amount: $800

Number: 951001573
Amount: $1,270

Number: 95109158FS

Number: 951901508FS

Number: 951901509FS
Amount: $2,500

Number: 961000754
Amount: $5,000

Number: 961000772FS

Amount: $7,875

Amount: $10,910

Number: 951001239
Amount: $9,370

Number: 951001573
Amount: $1,200


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.