Craig Alan Edwards

Last Updated: February 4th, 2025
Jail Location
Caucasian Male
5′ 8″ (1.73m)
175lbs (79kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1958
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Registration: 97950
Level: Level III
Commentaries: Comments A perimeter surrounding Edwards's house and outbuildings, shall be clearly marked by his Community Corrections Officer. Edwards may not proceed beyond this perimeter unless accompanied by an approved adult monitor. According to official documents, on 8-26-1982, Edwards entered a plea of guilty to the charge of Statutory Rape in the First Degree, counts one and two and Rape in the First Degree on count three. He was sent to Western State Hospital where he remained until January 7, 1987 at which point he was placed in prison. He released from prison on September 15, 1992. The victims in the two counts of Statutory Rape were known to him and they were victims from June of 1979 until May of 1982 when they disclosed what had happened. The two victims were females, ages 8 and 10. The First Degree Rape took place in 1982 when an adult female left her vehicle and entered a business and Edwards hid in the rear of her car at that time. The victim drove away and heard a noise in the back seat at which time she was told to drive away or he would kill this victim. The victim was sexually assaulted and after the crime Edwards exited the vehicle. Edwards was sent to Western State Hospital on all counts and was released to prison after being found no longer amenable for treatment by the hospital. Edwards was convicted of the crime of Luring of a Child with Sexual Motivation and was given a term of 60 months. The victims in this were two 9 year old females who were in a wooded area when they came across Edwards who has two dogs and a cane or stick with him. He asked both girls if they wanted to see a pond and Edwards led them further into the woods. They stopped at the location of the pond and Edwards wanted the girls to sit down. When they did not, he used his stick and tapped them on the legs to get them to sit down. Edwards sat beside the girls and touched both on the thigh and also kissed both girls. Both children left telling Edwards that they had to go home and reported the crime to family who called 911 and police followed the path that Edwards took to his residence and arrested him. During his current incarceration, Edwards has completed Sex Offender Treatment. On March 12, 2007, he was placed in the Civil Commitment Center and attended treatment while at the Center. Edwards was granted his Conditional Release from the courts to a less restrictive alternative. Edwards will be under supervision of the Marysville Office of the Department of Corrections, 360-658-2150.R E L E A S E D A T E D E C E M B E R 29, 2008According to official documents on 8-26-1982 Edwards entered a plea of guilty to the charge of Statutory Rape in the First Degree, counts one and two and Rape in the First Degree on count three. He was sent to Western State Hospital where he remained until January 7, 1987 at which point he was placed in Prison. He released from prison on September 15, 1992. The victims in the two counts of Statutory Rape were known to him and they were victims from June of 1979 until May of 1982 when they disclosed what had happen. The two victims were females, ages 8 and 10. The First Degree Rape took place in 1982 when an Adult female left her vehicle and entered a business and Edwards hid in the rear of her crime at that time. The victim drove away and heard a noise in the back seat at which time she was told to drive away or he would kill this victim. The victim was sexually assaulted and after the crime Edwards exited the vehicle. Edwards was sent to Western State Hospital on all counts and was released to prison after being found no longer amenable for treatment by the hospital. Edwards was convicted of the crime of Luring of a Child with Sexual Motivation and was given a term of 60 months. The victims in this were two 9 year old females who were in a wooded area when they came across Edwards who has two dogs and a cane or stick with him. He asked both girls if they wanted to see a pond and Edwards led them further into the woods. They stopped at the location of the pond and Edwards wanted the girls to sit down. When they did not, he used his stick and tapped them on the legs to get them to sit down. Edwards sat beside the girls and touched both on the thigh and also kissed both girls. Both children left telling Edwards that they All entrances to respondent's property from the road shall be marker DangerNo Trespassing and Solicitations Not Allowed. Trail entrances to Edward's property shall be marked with signs indicating, DangerNo Trespassing. Any visitors to property shall be pre-approved by the transition team. Edward's shall not knowingly have contact with minors of either gender unless that contact has been approved by the transition team and is supervised by an approved monitoring adult. Prohibit contact includes but is not limited to people bringing minors with them onto Edward's property. If a minor comes onto Edwards property uninvited, Edwards will not have contact with the minor and will take all reasonable steps to have the minor removed by another person. Edward's shall participate in any treatment, including but not limited to sex offender specific treatment. Edwards is expressly forbidden from entering onto the premises of any school, day-care, park or recreation area, fast food establishment, theater, multi-family living complex, and any public or private facility catering primarily to minors absent the express written permission of his Community Corrections Office, Treatment provider and presence of an approved monitoring adult. Edwards shall be subject to electronic monitoring at all times. The electronic monitoring devices shall employ global positioning system technology. Edwards shall engage in Sex Offender Treatment and shall not change treatment providers without permission of the Court. Edwards shall fully comply to his treatment agreement and treatment rules. Edwards shall make no effort to thwart, disable, or limit the effectiveness of any monitoring mechanism imposed upon him, including but not limited to, the polygraph, plethysmograph, and electronic monitoring. Edwards shall not be at large alone in the community. Edwards shall not drive any motor vehicle or possess a driver's license without written permission of his transition team. Edwards shall not enter any public washroom or other rest facility that has not been checked for the presence of minors and found to be free of minors by an approved monitoring adult immediately prior to his entering the facility. Edwards shall not frequent establishments that cater primarily to minors without the express approval and written permission of the transition team, and the presence of an approved monitoring adult. Minor is defined as any person, male or female, under the age of 18. Edwards shall not go to bars, taverns, casinos or any establishment where the primary source of income is the sale of alcoholic beverages. Edwards shall not have any intentional, non-incidental contact with adult females other that those approved by his transition team in writing and in the presence of an approved monitoring adult. Edwards shall not leave his residence except for activities pre-approved by his Community Corrections Officer and must at all times be under direct supervision of an Approved monitoring adult who must supervise Edwards closely and maintain close proximity to him. Edwards shall not leave the State of Washington without the prior written approval of the transition team and an order from the court. Edwards shall not own, possess, receive, ship, or transport any weapon, including but not limited to firearms, ammunition, incendiary devices, cross-bows, swords, explosives, etc, nor shall he have any parts thereof located on his property. Edwards shall not purchase, possess, or view any sexually explicit materials, including but not limited to, materials depicting sex with violence or force, sex with non-consenting adults, or sexual activities with children. Edwards shall not use or have access to the internet (including via cell phone or any other electronic device) or any other computer modem or communications software absent direct supervision by an approved monitoring adult, and with written permission of the transition team. Ant internet capable devices at his residence shall be password protected and may be searched upon reasonable suspicion that Edward's is accessing the internet. Edwards shall not use or possess alcohol or possess any controlled substance except pursuant to a lawfully issued prescription made out for him by a licensed physician. Edwards shall provide written verification of any prescription medication to the transition team. Edwards shall obtain written approval from his transition team prior to acquiring or participating in employment, educational, social, religious, or volunteer opportunities in the community. Edwards shall participate in periodic polygraph testing at the discretion of any member of the transition team. Edwards shall submit to searches of his person, computer, residence or property at the discretion of his Community Corrections Officer. Edwards shall submit to urine drug screens or Breathalyzer alcohol assessments at the discretion of any member of the transition team. Edwards will not possess a police scanner or other short-wave device. Edwards, without prior written approval of his transition team, shall have no intentional direct or indirect contact with any victim or their families. Victim is defined as anyone with whom Edwards had unwanted or illegal sexual contact in the past regardless of whether the contact resulted in a conviction or legal action. If Edwards is terminated from treatment with his sex offender provider, he shall immediately be taken into custody and a hearing scheduled to determine if his LRA will be revoked by the courts. Law Enforcement and /or peace officers are authorized to arrest Edwards for any violation of his release court order. The Snohomish County Sheriff Sex Offender Registration Detective shall be granted access, through the internet, to the GPS location program showing Edwards movements in the community.

Known addresses

Stanwood, WA 98292

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Snohomish County Sheriff's Office
Booking location: Snohomish County, WA

Other charges

Description: 9A.44.070 - Statutory Rape in the first degree
Date convicted: Jan 26, 1987
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.