Crystal Marie Mailki

Last Updated: February 1st, 2025
Jail Location
White Female
5′ 1″ (1.55m)
142lbs (64kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Nov 14, 1980
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Prisoner type: Felony Adult Female
Incarceration reason: Open Charges
Number: 00005179

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Brevard County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: May 11, 2015
Arrest location: Cocoa
Booking number: 2015-00004732
Booking date: May 11, 2015
Booking location: Brevard County, FL

Arresting agency: BCSO
Arrest date: Sep 30, 2014
Booking location: Brevard County, FL

Arresting agency: MPD
Arrest date: Feb 18, 2013
Booking location: Brevard County, FL

Arresting agency: Unkn
Booking location: Brevard County, FL

Booking date: Jan 14, 2011
Release date: Jan 14, 2011
Booking location: Okaloosa County, FL

Recent Charges

Statute: 948.06
Ref number: 2015-00011761
Judge: Earp, Jim
Docket no: 14CF044180A
Description: VOP On Site
Counts: 1
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00025222

Statute: 817.034.4a3
Ref number: 2015-00011762
Docket no: 15CF026413A
Description: Scheme to Defraud
Counts: 1
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00025222

Statute: 812.014.3a
Ref number: 2015-00011763
Docket no: 15CF026413A
Description: Petit Theft 2nd Deg 1st Offense
Counts: 1
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00025222

Statute: 817.568.2a
Ref number: 2015-00011764
Docket no: 15CF026413A
Description: Use/Poss ID of Another Person WO Consent
Counts: 2
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00025222

Statute: 948.06
Ref number: 2015-00011765
Judge: Earp, Jim
Docket no: 14CF044180A
Description: VOP On Site
Counts: 1
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00064769

Statute: 817.034.4a3
Ref number: 2015-00011766
Docket no: 15CF026416A
Description: Scheme to Defraud
Counts: 1
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00064769

Statute: 812.014.2c1
Ref number: 2015-00011767
Docket no: 15CF026416A
Description: Grand Theft >300
Counts: 1
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00064769

Statute: 831.01
Ref number: 2015-00011768
Docket no: 15CF026416A
Description: Forgery Alter Public Record Certificate
Counts: 44
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00064769

Statute: 817.568.2a
Ref number: 2015-00011769
Docket no: 15CF026416A
Description: Use/Poss ID of Another Person WO Consent
Counts: 2
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00064769

Statute: 948.06
Ref number: 2015-00011770
Judge: Earp, Jim
Docket no: 14CF044180A
Description: VOP On Site
Counts: 1
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00109827

Statute: 817.034.4a3
Ref number: 2015-00011771
Docket no: 15CF026415A
Description: Scheme to Defraud
Counts: 1
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00109827

Statute: 817.568.2a
Ref number: 2015-00011772
Docket no: 15CF026415A
Description: Use/Poss ID of Another Person WO Consent
Counts: 8
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00109827

Statute: 948.06
Ref number: 2015-00011773
Judge: Earp, Jim
Docket no: 14CF044180A
Description: VOP On Site
Counts: 1
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00395938

Statute: 812.014.2c1
Ref number: 2015-00011774
Docket no: 15CF026414A
Description: Grand Theft >300
Counts: 2
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00395938

Statute: 817.034.4a3
Ref number: 2015-00011775
Docket no: 15CF026414A
Description: Scheme to Defraud
Counts: 1
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00395938

Statute: 817.568.2a
Ref number: 2015-00011776
Docket no: 15CF026414A
Description: Use/Poss ID of Another Person WO Consent
Counts: 2
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00395938

Statute: 817.568.6
Ref number: 2015-00011777
Judge: Burger, Robert
Docket no: 15CF026412A
Description: Use ID Pers 60Y WO Consent
Counts: 2
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00068634

Statute: 817.568.2a
Ref number: 2015-00011778
Judge: Burger, Robert
Docket no: 15CF026412A
Description: Use/Poss ID of Another Person WO Consent
Counts: 2
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00068634

Statute: 817.034.4a2
Ref number: 2015-00011779
Judge: Burger, Robert
Docket no: 15CF026412A
Description: Scheme to Defraud >$20K
Counts: 1
Charge date: May 11, 2015
Agency case no: 2015-00068634

Statute: 316.193-1 - DUI
Offense date: Jan 14, 2011
Arrest date: Jan 14, 2011





Bonds Issued

Type: Cash or Surety
Ref number: 2015-00011779
Docket number: 15CF026412A
Court time: 08:00 AM
Court date: Jul 10, 2015
Counts: 1
Bond per count: $2,000.00
Amount: $2,000
Agency case no: 2015-00068634

Type: Cash or Surety
Ref number: 2015-00011777
Docket number: 15CF026412A
Court time: 08:00 AM
Court date: Jul 10, 2015
Counts: 2
Bond per count: $5,000.00
Amount: $10,000
Agency case no: 2015-00068634

Type: Cash or Surety
Ref number: 2015-00011778
Docket number: 15CF026412A
Court time: 08:00 AM
Court date: Jul 10, 2015
Counts: 2
Bond per count: $5,000.00
Amount: $10,000
Agency case no: 2015-00068634

Type: No Bond
Ref number: 2015-00011770
Docket number: 14CF044180A
Court time: 09:00 AM
Court date: Jul 7, 2015
Counts: 1
Bond per count: $0.00
Agency case no: 2015-00109827

Type: No Bond
Ref number: 2015-00011761
Docket number: 14CF044180A
Court time: 09:00 AM
Court date: Jul 7, 2015
Counts: 1
Bond per count: $0.00
Agency case no: 2015-00025222

Type: No Bond
Ref number: 2015-00011765
Docket number: 14CF044180A
Court time: 09:00 AM
Court date: Jul 7, 2015
Counts: 1
Bond per count: $0.00
Agency case no: 2015-00064769

Type: No Bond
Ref number: 2015-00011773
Docket number: 14CF044180A
Court time: 09:00 AM
Court date: Jul 7, 2015
Counts: 1
Bond per count: $0.00
Agency case no: 2015-00395938

Type: Not Applicable
Ref number: 2015-00011768
Docket number: 15CF026416A
Counts: 44
Bond per count: $0.00
Agency case no: 2015-00064769

Type: Not Applicable
Ref number: 2015-00011766
Docket number: 15CF026416A
Counts: 1
Bond per count: $0.00
Agency case no: 2015-00064769

Type: Not Applicable
Ref number: 2015-00011764
Docket number: 15CF026413A
Counts: 2
Bond per count: $0.00
Agency case no: 2015-00025222

Type: Not Applicable
Ref number: 2015-00011763
Docket number: 15CF026413A
Counts: 1
Bond per count: $0.00
Agency case no: 2015-00025222

Type: Not Applicable
Ref number: 2015-00011775
Docket number: 15CF026414A
Counts: 1
Bond per count: $0.00
Agency case no: 2015-00395938

Type: Not Applicable
Ref number: 2015-00011774
Docket number: 15CF026414A
Counts: 2
Bond per count: $0.00
Agency case no: 2015-00395938

Type: Not Applicable
Ref number: 2015-00011772
Docket number: 15CF026415A
Counts: 8
Bond per count: $0.00
Agency case no: 2015-00109827

Type: Not Applicable
Ref number: 2015-00011771
Docket number: 15CF026415A
Counts: 1
Bond per count: $0.00
Agency case no: 2015-00109827

Type: Not Applicable
Ref number: 2015-00011776
Docket number: 15CF026414A
Counts: 2
Bond per count: $0.00
Agency case no: 2015-00395938

Type: Not Applicable
Ref number: 2015-00011769
Docket number: 15CF026416A
Counts: 2
Bond per count: $0.00
Agency case no: 2015-00064769

Type: Not Applicable
Ref number: 2015-00011767
Docket number: 15CF026416A
Counts: 1
Bond per count: $0.00
Agency case no: 2015-00064769

Type: Not Applicable
Ref number: 2015-00011762
Docket number: 15CF026413A
Counts: 1
Bond per count: $0.00
Agency case no: 2015-00025222


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.