Date of birth: | Sep 14, 1975 |
SO#: | 195622 |
Arresting agency: | Collin County Sheriff's Office |
Booking number: | LEG0000367854 |
Booking date: | Dec 21, 2005 |
Release date: | Dec 27, 2005 |
Jail name: | Collin County Detention Facility |
Location: | 4300 Community Ave, McKinney, TX 75071 |
Warrant id: | C15 235411 01 |
Charge: | CC3001 - *invalid Speeding |
Issuing auth: | DALLAS PD |
Bond type: | $100 - Any bond |
Charge desposition: | Other (See Release Comments) |
Warrant id: | F0323682 |
Charge: | CC5054 - *invalid Violation of a Protective Order |
Issuing auth: | DALLAS CO SO |
Charge desposition: | Other (See Release Comments) |
Warrant id: | 2005060047 |
Charge: | CC3001 - *invalid Speeding |
Issuing auth: | PLANO PD |
Bond type: | $330 - Any bond |
Charge desposition: | Other (See Release Comments) |