Dallas Wayne Waddell

Last Updated: January 4th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
5′ 4″ (1.63m)
160lbs (73kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: May 8, 1965
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Wanted for: Parole Violation, Burglary of a Habitation
Tdc: 00646091
Smt: Tattoos: Jesus/heart/cross on outside of right leg; lions/clouds/trees on upper left arm; "Diana" on left hand. Scars on face, right hand, and upper left arm.
Sid: TX03411440
Lkc: Whitney, Texas
Lka: 163 Scenic Drive
Inmate name: Dallas Wayne Waddell
Details: Dallas Wayne WADDELL was born in Galveston, Texas. He dropped out of school in the 9th grade but claims he received a GED. Records from TDCJ reflect that WADDELL has previous work history as a boiler maker, pipe fitter, and laborer. On September 24, 1987, WADDELL was arrested and charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault in Hamilton County, Texas. He pled guilty to Sexual Assault of a Child and was sentenced to five years probation. In October 1989, WADDELL was arrested in Harris County, Texas, for two counts of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon (Knife). His probation was revoked in 1993 and was enhanced to a ten-year sentence in TDCJ. He was paroled in 1997. WADDELL also has previous arrests for Possession of Marijuana and DWI. WADDELL last registered as a sex offender with the Hill County Sheriff's Office on April 2, 2004. He absconded in 2005. His last known address was in Whitney, Texas. WADDELL is currently wanted by the Hill County Sheriff's Office for Burglary of a Habitation and by the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles for Parole Violation.
Cch: Sexual Assault, Aggravated Sexual Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Theft of Property, Possession of Marijuana, DWI, Traffic Violations
Caution: Subject should be considered ARMED and DANGEROUS!
Aliases of suspect: Wayne Waddell, Dallas Wayne Waddell Sr.
SO#: 52432
Mugshots com: 185796340
Ext id key: 1151029959091725976

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Huntsville Police Department
Booking number: 95803
Booking date: Dec 15, 2021
Booking location: Walker County, TX

Booking location: Texas

Recent Charges

Warrant: Parole & Pardon Board Violation

Warrant: OCC/PPB


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