Date of birth: | Apr 11, 1993 |
Inmate name: | Dyer, Damian D |
Cell block: | G |
Prisoner type: | Awaiting Arraignment |
Gsn: | 455532 |
Arrest date: | Jan 12, 2015 |
Booking location: | Lafourche Parish, LA |
Arrest location: | GONZALES |
Booking number: | 2014-00002779 |
Booking date: | Jun 23, 2014 |
Booking origin: | Gonzales Police Department |
Release date: | Jun 25, 2014 |
Booking location: | Ascension Parish, LA |
Offense date: | Jun 23, 2014 |
Charge description: | Theft of Goods |
Offense date: | Jun 23, 2014 |
Charge description: | Entry on or Remaining in places or on land after being forbidden/ Trespassing of Real Property |
Offense date: | Jun 23, 2014 |
Crime class: | Misdemeanor |
Charge description: | Resisting an Officer |
Description: | CCRP ART 21 - CONTEMPT OF COURT; Arrest Date 01/12/2015; Bond - Pay Fines & Costs, $319.50; Set By Division A; |
Description: | CCRP ART 575 - FUGITIVE; Arrest Date 01/12/2015; Bond - Unspecified, $500.00; Set By Warrant; |
Type: | Cash |
Number: | 2014-00001044 |
Amount: | $289.50 |
Type: | Cash |
Number: | 2014-00001045 |
Amount: | $289.50 |
Type: | Cash |
Number: | 2014-00001046 |
Amount: | $289.50 |