Date of birth: | Oct 12, 1972 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Green |
Odoc: | 450562 |
Booking location: | Lincoln County, OK |
Term code: | SUSPENDED |
Term: | 8 Y |
Start: | May 27, 2015 |
Offense: | False Pret Or Bogus Check Under $50/Con |
End: | 05/26/2023 |
Crf: | 2013-288 |
County: | LINC |
Term code: | Int. Parole |
Term: | 10.27 Y |
Start: | Dec 19, 1994 |
Offense: | Dist Of Cds/Poss W/Intent |
End: | 03/25/2005 |
Crf: | IA-1026831 |
County: | IAJR |
Term code: | Int. Parole |
Term: | 10.27 Y |
Start: | Dec 19, 1994 |
Offense: | Forgery 2nd - Notes, Checks, Bills, Draf |
End: | 03/25/2005 |
Crf: | IA-1026831 |
County: | IAJR |
Term code: | Int. Parole |
Term: | 10.27 Y |
Start: | Dec 19, 1994 |
Offense: | Con/Felons Prohib/Carry Firearms |
End: | 03/25/2005 |
Crf: | IA-1026831 |
County: | IAJR |
Term code: | Int. Parole |
Term: | 10.27 Y |
Start: | Dec 19, 1994 |
Offense: | Burglary - Second Degree |
End: | 03/25/2005 |
Crf: | IA-1026831 |
County: | IAJR |