Daniel David Gilleeny

Last Updated: January 22nd, 2025
Jail Location
White Male

Personal Details

Date of birth: Oct 16, 1980
Probable cause affidavit: SUBMITTED BY: callahan, craig 0643 (ar10113455) did, knowing HIS driver's license or driving privilege had been cancelled, suspended or revoked AS A HABITUAL TRAFFIC OFFENDER, drive a motor vehicle upon the highways of this state while such license or privilege was cancelled, in violation of Florida Statute 322.34(5) ON 022210 AT APPROXIMATELY 0855 HOURS, I WAS DISPATCHED TO THE AREA OF EAST FORT COOPER ROAD AND U S HIGHWAY 41, IN FLORAL CITY, IN REFERENCE TO ASSISTING CITRUS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE PUBLIC SERvicE OFFICER (pso) ROBERT OVERLANDER (954) IN REFERENCE TO A TRAFFIC ACCIDENT INVOLVING THE DEFENDANT, MR DANIEL GILLEENY. UPON MY ARRIVAl i observed a silver dodge pickup truck loaded on the rear of a tow truck with severe front end damage. furthermore, i observed where a TRAFFIC crash had occurred and was later determined the DEFENDANT's VEHICLE had struck a tree on the west shoulder of fort cooper road while traveling southbound. i then made contact with pso overlander who advised me he had run the DEFENDANT through fcic/ncic and advIsed me his DRIVER'S LICENSE was revoked. i then returned to my patrol VEHICLE and ran the DRIVER'S LICENSE myself through ncic/fcic, which revealed the DEFENDANT's driving PRIVILEGES were indeed revoked as 092409, for multiple traffic offences. fcic/ncic revealed the DEFENDANT is a HABITUAL traffic offender and his DRIVER'S LICENSE had been revoked for a period of 60 months. i also ran a "david" query of the DEFENDANT's driving history which shows the DEFENDANT to have a history of multiple traffic offences, including multiple failure to pay traffic fines, financial responsibility suspensions, and failures to appear for traffic summons. i then made contact with the DEFENDANT, at which time, he was read miranda via pre printed card. the DEFENDANT waived his rights and advised he wished to speak with me. i asked the DEFENDANT if he was driving the VEHICLE and if anyone else was in the VEHICLE with him prior to the traffic accident, at which time he advised me he was driving and was the only person in the VEHICLE at the time of the accident. i then asked the DEFENDANT why he would be driving when his DRIVER'S LICENSE is suspended, to which he advised me, he did not think his DRIVER'S LICENSE had been suspended and explained to me he thought if he had insurance on his VEHICLE the state would lift the SUSPension of his DRIVER'S LICENSE. at that time i advised the DEFENDANT he was being placed under arrest for driving while DRIVER'S LICENSE suspended/knowingly/habitual. the DEFENDANT was handcuffed (double locked) in back, and placed in the rear of my patrol VEHICLE and transported to the CITRUS COUNTY DETENTION FACILITY for booking and processing. the DEFENDANT's bond was set at $2,000.00 per the bond schedule. prior to leaving the scene, a traffic crash report was completed and a citation was issued to the DEFENDANT by pso overlander for improper and unsafe equipment, citation number 1733rpa4. upon arrival to the CITRUS COUNTY DETENTION FACILITY, the DEFENDANT was issued a citation for driving while DRIVER'S LICENSE suspended/knowingly/habitual, citation number 1742fya1, with a court date to be determined. . the DEFENDANT's VEHICLE was towed by ed's towing. *NOT-EXEMPT*
Inmate status: Felony Misdemeanor County/Municipal Traffic Ordinance Warrant/Capias

Known addresses

Florida 34450

Recent Arrests

Arrest date: Feb 22, 2010
Booking number: 10113455
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Recent Charges

Code: 322.347
Charge description: DWLSR HABITUAL
Bond amount: $2,000


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