Date of birth: | 1944 |
Hair: | White |
Eyes: | Green |
Sex offender status: | Sexual Predator |
Registration: | 1436769 |
Lifetime registration: | Yes |
Level: | Sexually Violent Predator |
Inmate status: | Active |
Description: | Scar on Face () |
Description: | Scar on L_wrist () |
Description: | Scar on abdomen (gall bladder surgery) |
Description: | on L_ear (missing tip on top) |
Arresting agency: | Indiana Sex and Violent Offender Registry |
Booking date: | Aug 11, 2011 |
Booking location: | Indiana |
State equivalent: | 35-42-4-1 - Rape |
Sentence: | 10 years |
Description: | 11990003 - AGG SEXUAL ASSAULT (F1) |
Date released: | Jan 1, 2008 |
Date convicted: | Apr 23, 1992 |
County of conviction: | Bell |
Conviction state: | Texas |
Case number: | 41197 |
Charges: | N/A |