Date of birth: | Dec 1991 |
Booking location: | Delaware |
Warrant: | B013003202 |
Docket: | 1308012443 |
Court: | Newark Aldermans Court 40 |
Comments: | Warrant Fta/Orig/Open Container Of Alcoholic Beverage In Mot |
Warrant: | U413020325 |
Docket: | 1308006099 |
Court: | New Castle County Court Of Com |
Comments: | Capias /Fail To Appear - Arraignment/Possession Of Marijuana /Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia |
Warrant: | U413020389 |
Docket: | 1205004187 |
Court: | New Castle County Court Of Com |
Comments: | Capias Ftp/Attempted Robbery Second Degree Prevent Or Overco Capias Ftp/Conspiracy Second Degree-Agreement To Engage In F |
Warrant: | B013004705 |
Docket: | 1308012443 |
Court: | Newark Aldermans Court 40 |
Comments: | Warrant Fta/Orig/Open Container Of Alcoholic Beverage In Mot |