Date of birth: | May 1, 1961 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Offender status: | PAROLE |
Parole date: | Sep 9, 2014 |
Projected parole date: | Sep 9, 2014 |
Projected discharge date: | Sep 9, 2017 |
Parent institution: | DIXON CORRECTIONAL CENTER |
Inmate status: | IN CUSTODY |
Admission date: | Jun 18, 1992 |
Description: | SCAR, HAND, RIGHT - |
Booking date: | Jun 18, 1992 |
Release date: | Sep 9, 2017 |
Jail name: | Illinois Department of Correction |
Location: | 1301 Concordia Ct., Springfield, IL 62794 |
Booking number: | N31380 |
Booking location: | Williamson County, IL |
Mittimus: | 90CF3964 |
Class: | X |
Count: | 1 |
Offense: | ARMED ROBBERY |
Offense date: | Sep 9, 1990 |
Sentence: | 48 Years 0 Months 0 Days |
County: | WILL |
Sentence discharged: | NO |
Mittimus: | W82CF703 |
Class: | X |
Count: | 18 |
Offense: | ARMED ROBBERY |
Offense date: | Nov 17, 1982 |
Sentence: | 15 Years 0 Months 0 Days |
County: | WILL |
Sentence discharged: | YES |
Field value: | 90CF3964 |
Field name: | MITTIMUS |