Date of birth: | Jun 5, 1990 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Hair length: | Short |
Facial hair: | Goatee |
Hair style: | Crew Cut |
Hair shade: | Dark |
Status: | Prisoner |
Sid number: | 2696549L |
Security level: | II |
Mdoc number: | 776774 |
Discharge date: | Jul 25, 2033 |
Assigned location: | Muskegon Correctional Facility |
Reporting agency: | Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety |
Mugshots com: | 184918872 |
Inmate number: | 353368 |
Education: | Some College |
Complexion: | DARK |
Committed by: | Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety |
Citizen: | Yes |
Body build: | Medium Build |
Ext id key: | 42414292917436735 |
Description: | Tattoo- Back Right Forearm - Chicago |
Description: | Tattoo- Front Right Forearm - "95", Chicago Bulls Logo |
Description: | Tattoo- Left Back - Skulls |
Description: | Tattoo- Left Hand - "Joann" |
Description: | Tattoo- Left Neck - Lips |
Description: | Tattoo- Left Wrist - Joeann, Heart |
Description: | Tattoo- Lower Right Arm - bull; skull; flame; "pearl" |
Description: | Tattoo- Right Neck - 90's Baby |
Description: | Tattoo- Right Wrist - 6 Point Star |
Description: | Tattoo- Upper Left Chest - shark |
Release date: | Jul 25, 2019 |
Booking location: | Kalamazoo County, MI |
Booking number: | 2005954 |
Booking date: | Nov 22, 2020 |
Booking location: | Kalamazoo County, MI |
Status: | Active |
Sentence: | 1 |
Offense: | Home Invasion - 1st Degree |
Minimum sentence: | 6 years 0 months 0 days |
Mcl: | 750.110A2 |
Maximum sentence: | 20 years 0 months |
Date of sentence: | Oct 7, 2013 |
Date of offense: | Jul 26, 2013 |
Court file: | 131140-FH |
County: | Kalamazoo |
Conviction type: | Plea |
Status: | Inactive |
Sentence number: | 1 |
Discharge date: | Jun 13, 2013 |
Offense date: | May 13, 2012 |
Offense: | Home Invasion - 2nd Degree |
Mcl: | 750.110A3 |
Maximum sentence: | 3 years 0 months |
Discharge reason: | Probation Violator Technical Violation |
Court file number: | D120527-FH |
County: | Kalamazoo |
Conviction type: | Plea |
Status: | Inactive |
Sentence number: | 2 |
Discharge date: | May 5, 2011 |
Offense date: | Jun 29, 2010 |
Offense: | Weapons - Carrying Concealed |
Mcl: | 750.227 |
Maximum sentence: | 3 years 0 months |
Discharge reason: | Probation Violator Technical Violation |
Court file number: | C101127-FH |
County: | Kalamazoo |
Conviction type: | Plea Under Advisement |