Date of birth: | Jan 24, 1981 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Blue |
Release date: | Sep 7, 2007 |
Inmate status: | RELS |
City of birth: | TAMPA |
Cin: | 212584 |
Build: | MED |
Booking number: | 200711461 |
Booking date: | Aug 27, 2007 |
Bn: | 94409 |
Birth place: | FL |
Arrest date: | Aug 27, 2007 |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Booking location: | Pasco County, FL |
Report: | 2011-13790/10 |
Unit: | 300 |
Pod: | D |
Inmate location: | 309 |
Facility: | Detention Central (Land O'Lakes) |
Bed: | B |
Status: | RELS |
Supervision type: | PROBATION FELONY |
Supervision begin date: | Feb 20, 2013 |
Scheduled termination date: | Feb 19, 2015 |
DC number: | R21164 |
Current location: | CLEARWATER |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Arrest date: | Jul 27, 2012 |
Arrest type: | WARRANT |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Arrest date: | Feb 14, 2012 |
Arrest type: | ON VIEW |
Arrest date: | Jun 14, 2011 |
Arrest location: | 16425 SPRING HILL DR |
Booking location: | Hernando County, FL |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Arrest date: | Oct 15, 2010 |
Arrest type: | WARRANT |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Arrest date: | Aug 13, 2010 |
Arrest type: | WARRANT |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Arrest date: | Feb 18, 2010 |
Arrest type: | WARRANT |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Arrest date: | Jul 2, 2009 |
Arrest type: | WARRANT |
Arresting agency: | OTHER |
Arrest date: | Feb 4, 2008 |
Arrest type: | COURT COMMITT |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Arrest date: | Nov 25, 2007 |
Arrest type: | WARRANT |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Arrest date: | Sep 4, 2007 |
Arrest type: | WARRANT |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Arrest date: | Aug 27, 2007 |
Arrest type: | WARRANT |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Arrest date: | Apr 12, 2007 |
Arrest type: | WARRANT |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Arrest date: | Jan 31, 2007 |
Arrest type: | WARRANT |
Booking location: | Pasco County, FL |
Discharge date: | Feb 20, 2013 |
Offense date: | Feb 4, 2012 |
Offense: | GRAND THEFT,300 L/5,000 |
County: | PASCO |
Community supervision length: | 2Y 0M 0D |
Case number: | 1205033 |
Dispo type: | RLSD |
Court case: | CTC066342SFFTWS |
Code: | 948.06 |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge description: | VIOL PROBATION MISD |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arrest seq: | 1 |
Dispo type: | BOND |
Court case: | CRC0102135CAAWS |
Code: | 900.04 |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge description: | CONTEMPT OF COURT MISD |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arrest seq: | 2 |
Dispo type: | TS |
Court case: | CTC075266EWUTWS |
Code: | 322.34.2 |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge description: | DWLSR WITH KNOWLEDGE |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arrest seq: | 1 |
Dispo type: | TS |
Court case: | CTC075999EPDTWS |
Code: | 948.06 |
Charge seq: | 2 |
Charge description: | VIOL PROBATION MISD |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arrest seq: | 1 |
Dispo type: | TS |
Court case: | CTC0700166MMAWS |
Code: | 948.06 |
Charge seq: | 3 |
Charge description: | VIOL PROBATION MISD |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arrest seq: | 1 |
Description: | 806.13 - CRIMINAL MISCHIEF |
Dispo type: | JAPL |
Court case: | CRC1201218CFAWS |
Code: | 784.045 |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge description: | AGGRAV BATTERY |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arrest seq: | 1 |
Dispo type: | JAPL |
Court case: | CTC1201036MMAWS |
Code: | 784.03 |
Charge seq: | 2 |
Charge description: | DOMESTIC BATTERY |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arrest seq: | 1 |
Dispo type: | RLSD |
Court case: | CRC0102135CAAWS |
Code: | 900.04 |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge description: | CONTEMPT OF COURT MISD |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arrest seq: | 1 |
Dispo type: | BOND |
Court case: | CRC1205033CFAWS |
Code: | 812.014 |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge description: | GRAND THEFT |
Bond amount: | $5,000 |
Arrest seq: | 1 |
Dispo type: | BOND |
Court case: | CTC066342SFFTWS |
Code: | 322.03 |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge description: | FTA - NO VALID DL |
Bond amount: | $5,013 |
Arrest seq: | 1 |
Dispo type: | RLSD |
Court case: | CRC0102135CAAWS |
Code: | 901.11 |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge description: | CONTEMPT OF COURT FELONY |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arrest seq: | 1 |
Dispo type: | BOND |
Court case: | CTC066342SFFTWS |
Code: | 948.06 |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge description: | VIOL PROBATION MISD |
Bond amount: | $1,000 |
Arrest seq: | 1 |
Dispo type: | BOND |
Court case: | CRC0102135CAAWS |
Code: | 900.04 |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge description: | CONTEMPT OF COURT FELONY |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arrest seq: | 1 |
Dispo type: | BOND |
Court case: | CTC075999EPDTWS |
Code: | 948.06 |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge description: | VIOL PROBATION MISD |
Bond amount: | $2,000 |
Arrest seq: | 1 |
Dispo type: | BOND |
Court case: | CTC0700166MMAWS |
Code: | 948.06 |
Charge seq: | 2 |
Charge description: | VIOL PROBATION MISD |
Bond amount: | $2,000 |
Arrest seq: | 1 |