David Anthony Vaughn

Last Updated: January 21st, 2025
Jail Location
Caucasian Male
6′ 2″ (1.88m)
160lbs (73kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1963
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Registration: 1583380
Level: Level II
Commentaries: Comments According to official documents, Vaughn pled guilty in Snohomish County Superior court to the crimes of Rape of a Child in the 1st Degree and Kidnapping in the 1st Degree. He was given a term of 253 months in prison on June 30, 1994. Vaughn, age 31 sexually assaulted an unknown 7 year old female. The victim was attempting to unlock the family vehicle at 4pm when Vaughn approached her and told her that he could help her. The victim followed Vaughn to his vehicle where he picked up the victim and put her into his vehicle and drove off. Vaughn had told the victim that he worked with her mother and would take her to the store to get a new key made for the car. The victim began to cry at which time Vaughn pulled the victim's hair and called her a cry baby. Vaughn eventually drove to a snowy wooded area and pulled over. He told the victim that his vehicle was stuck and got into the back of his vehicle and sexually assaulted the victim. The victim was dropped off in the Woodinville area at 8pm and Vaughn left. The victim knocked on a door and a female called 911 and the victim's mother. A composite drawing was completed and published in the newspaper and TV. Three days after the assault Vaughn was arrested. Vaughn had at once time lived in the area where the victim lived and knew other family members names. While Vaughn was in prison he completed sex offender treatment. Vaughn is on active supervision with the Everett Office of the Department of Corrections. 425-290-3200. Shall have no contact with minors. Shall have no direct or indirect contact with his victim or victim's mother or father for life. Shall not access the internet or e-mail by electronic devices. Shall not attend any gym without written permission from his Corrections Officer. Shall not connect with or call any phone service that provides sexually explicit conversations. Shall not date women who have minor children nor say at a residence where minor children are staying the night or live. Shall not enter bars, lounges or taverns. Shall not enter parks, playgrounds or schools. Shall not enter sex related business, to include X-rated movies, peer shows or adult book stores. Shall not frequent establishments that promote bikini or lingerie barista stands. Shall not pirchase, own, have in his possession or under his control any firearm. Shall not possess or peruse pornographic materials. Shall not possess paraphernlia that can be used for ingestion or processing of controlled substances. Shall not use, posses, purchase, or consume alcohol. Shall not use, possess, consume any controlled substances without a lawfully issued prescription. Shall not work at or be in places frequented by minors. Submit to polygraph testing as requested.

Documented Aliases


Known addresses

Everett, Washington 98201

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Snohomish County Sheriff's Office
Booking location: Snohomish County, WA


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