Date of birth: | Aug 13, 1979 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Residency: | Resident |
Marital status: | Single |
Juvenile: | No |
Employment: | CARPET & TILE |
Employer school: | JOSEPH |
Education: | 11TH |
Dl number: | D54217279293 |
Citizen: | Y |
Birth place: | TAMPA, FL |
Initial receipt date: | May 27, 2004 |
Facility: | HARDEE C.I. |
DC number: | Y15704 |
Current custody: | CLOSE |
Sbi number: | 04046631 |
Releasing officer: | OGDEN, JAIME RENAE |
Jurisdiction: | FL0080000 |
Jca number: | 43622 |
Date confined: | Dec 12, 2000 |
Inmate status: | Confinement |
Designation: | Sexual Offender |
Department of corrections: | Y15704 |
Type: | TATTOO |
Location: | RIGHT CHEST |
Description: | KELSEY |
Release date: | Jan 20, 2012 |
Booking location: | Charlotte County, FL |
Booking officer: | SCHLEEF, JOYCE |
Release reason: | SURETY |
Release date: | Aug 30, 2001 |
Booking location: | Charlotte County, FL |
Booking officer: | YOUNG, MARCIE A |
Release reason: | PROBATION |
Release date: | Mar 19, 2001 |
Booking location: | Charlotte County, FL |
Booking location: | Charlotte County, FL |
Warrant: | 0000873F |
Statute description: | VOP (LEWD & LASCIVOUS BATTERY) CHAR CO# 00-00873F |
Statute: | 948.06 |
Offense date: | Oct 10, 2003 |
Oca number: | 04002489 |
Obts number: | 0801013001 |
Level: | N |
Court date: | May 17, 2004 |
Charge: | N |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arresting officer: | WHITE, ROBERT |
Agency: | FL0080000 |
Warrant: | 00873FA |
Statute description: | VOP(LEWD SEX BATT)00873FA CHARCO |
Statute: | 948.06 |
Offense date: | Jul 17, 2002 |
Obts number: | 13570356 |
Level: | N |
Court date: | Jan 29, 2003 |
Charge: | N |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arresting officer: | HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY |
Arrest location: | HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY |
Agency: | FL0290000 |
Warrant: | 00873F |
Statute: | 948.06 |
Offense date: | Aug 28, 2001 |
Oca number: | 01022712 |
Obts number: | 9039030 |
Depositer name: | CRENSHAW, DEBRA |
Court date: | Oct 4, 2001 |
Bond amount: | $5,000 |
Bond agency: | BLANDING |
Arresting officer: | STEWART, ROD |
Arrest location: | HILLSBOROUGH CO. |
Agency: | FL0080000 |
Warrant: | 00-873F |
Statute description: | LEWD/LASCIVIOUS W/A PERSON UNDER 16 |
Statute: | 800.04 4a |
Offense date: | Dec 12, 2000 |
Oca number: | 00030801 |
Obts number: | 9035414 |
Level: | S |
Depositer name: | , |
Charge: | F |
Arresting officer: | ELLSWORTH, GARY |
Arrest location: | 1425 HERITAGE CIR APT 2 |
Agency: | FL0080000 |
Sentence length: | 10Y 0M 0D |
Discharge date: | May 17, 2004 |
Offense date: | Aug 1, 2000 |
Offense: | L/L BATTERY V 12-15 YO |
County: | CHARLOTTE |
Case number: | 0000873 |
Crime description: | LEWD ASLT/SEX BAT VCTM |
Adjudication date: | Mar 19, 2001 |