Date of birth: | Jul 29, 1967 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Total time: | 33 years |
Pe te date: | Dec 23, 2018 |
Mailing address: | 2501 State Farm Rd. Tucker, AR 72168-8713 |
Initial receipt date: | Jan 19, 1995 |
Facility address: | 2501 State Farm Rd. Tucker, AR 72168-8713 |
Facility: | Maximum Security Unt |
Adc number: | 089309 |
Description: | a LION holding a PITCHFORK sitting behind a WOMAN on the right side of the stomache area |
Description: | a COBRA SNAKE above the bellybutton on the stomache area |
Description: | a GRIM REAPER holding a PITCHFORK and a 6 POINT STAR with the letters G D above the 6 POINT STAR on left side of stomache area |
Description: | "TRUST NO ONE" on upper back area |
Description: | Portrait of aWOMAN with a HAT on, and a TOMBSTONE with the words "ARMA DAVIS, MOM, I MISS YOU" written on the tombstone on left back area |
Description: | Portrait of a WOMAN. a TOMBSTONE with the words "TONJA DAVIS, SIS, I LOVE YOU" written inside the tombstone on right back area |
Description: | picture of a MAN kneeled down holding his head in his hands on lower back area |
Description: | a DOG holding a cigarette in its mouth and the number 89309 above the dog on right chest area |
Description: | 2 HANDS doing the 6 POINT STAR gang sign, a ROSE, the words "MOE DEE" on right chest area |
Description: | 2 TEARDROPS underneath left eye, and 3 TEARDROPS underneath right eye |
Description: | above the words MOE DEE there is a scar in the shape of a 6 POINT STAR, and above the tattooed pitchfork there is a scar in the shape of a PITCHFORK on the outside left arm area |
Description: | picture of a MAN behind bars with the words "33 YEARS" written above the picture and the number 89309 written at the bottom of the picture on inside of left arm area |
Description: | the words "MOE DEE" written above a pitchfork on outside of left arm area |
Description: | a picture of a DEMON with its HANDS on its face on the backside of the left arm area |
Description: | TRIBAL designs on inside of left arm area |
Description: | a 6 POINT STAR with the letters "B G D" inside or it, with 2 pitchforks crossed behind it, surrounded by flames on inside of left forearm area |
Description: | designs that resemble STRETCHED skin with HOLES in it on outside of left forearm area |
Description: | the word "FAMILY" o surrounded by flames on outside of left forearm area |
Description: | unkown SYMBOLS and LETTERS on top of left hand |
Description: | "LEO" on left side of neck |
Description: | a picture of a MAN holding a PITCHFORK with the words "4 LIFE" written above the picture on the left shoulder area |
Description: | a picture of a DEMON with itsFIST on its CHIN on the back of the right arm area |
Description: | a 6 POINT STAR with the letters"B G D" inside, 2 PITCHFORKS behind the 6 POINT STAR and the numbers "36 0" above the pitchforks on the outside right arm area |
Description: | a picture of what appears to be a MERMAID on the inside bicep area of the right arm |
Description: | a picture of a HAND performing the PITCHFORK GANG SIGN with the numbers "3 6 0" at the finger tips. the word "GANGSTER" with theBARREL of a SHOTGUN above gangster. on the inside of the right forearm area |
Description: | a symbol the resembles a PITCHFORK with 3 other unkown symbold beside it. on the inside right forearm area |
Description: | picture of a GRIM REAPER on outside of right forearm area |
Description: | "GAMBINO" written on inside of right forearm area |
Description: | "MOE DEE" on right side of neck |
Description: | a type of WHIRLING DESIGN with the words "WINDY CITY" around it on the right shoulder area |
Description: | 2 PITCHFORKS crossed above a TOMBSTONE on outside of right wrist area |
Booking location: | Mississippi County, AR |
Sentence length: | 156 mo. |
Discharge date: | Jan 24, 2001 |
Offense: | Robbery - Probation Revocation |
Case number: | 1994-267 |
Sentence length: | 240 mo. |
Discharge date: | Jan 24, 2001 |
Offense: | Aggravated Robbery - Habitual Offender |
Case number: | 2000-24 |
Sentence length: | 15 yrs. |
Discharge date: | Jan 17, 1995 |
Offense: | Robbery - Habitual Offender |
Case number: | 1994-267 |
Sentence length: | 8 yrs. |
Discharge date: | Sep 15, 1987 |
Offense: | Robbery |
Case number: | 1987-44 |