Date of birth: | Feb 28, 1987 |
Supervision: | Discharged |
Name type: | Conviction |
Kdoc: | 6067512 |
Booking number: | 10001652 |
Booking date: | Feb 5, 2010 |
Release date: | Feb 7, 2010 |
Booking location: | Johnson County, KS |
Booking number: | 09017365 |
Booking date: | Dec 19, 2009 |
Release date: | Dec 19, 2009 |
Booking location: | Johnson County, KS |
Booking location: | Johnson County, KS |
Jail name: | Johnson County Jail |
Location: | 27745 W 159 St., New Century, KS 66031 |
Jail dispo: | BONDED |
Court location: | DISTRICT COURT: 18 |
Court date: | Apr 12, 2010 |
Case: | 09CR03080 |
Bond type: | NO BOND |
Jail dispo: | BONDED |
Court location: | DISTRICT COURT: M4 |
Court date: | Dec 29, 2009 |
Case: | 09CR03080 |
Bond type: | SUR |
Bond amount: | $10,000 |
Sentencing date: | Aug 5, 2010 |
Offense date: | Dec 19, 2009 |
Description: | Criminal possessn of firearm; Poss. of firearm w/barrel less than 12 by person conv of fel w/in 5yr |
Crime level: | Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 8 |
County: | Johnson |
Case status II: | Inactive |
Case number I: | 09CR3080 |
Sentencing date: | Aug 14, 2008 |
Offense date: | Dec 31, 2007 |
Description: | Depressants, stimulants, hallucinogenics, anabolic steroids; possession; 1st offense |
Crime level: | Class A Misdemeanor |
County: | Johnson |
Case status II: | Inactive |
Case number I: | 07CR3313 |
Sentencing date: | Aug 14, 2008 |
Offense date: | Dec 31, 2007 |
Description: | Drugs; Possession of paraphernalia w/intent to use for planting, growing, etc, any contrlld sub |
Crime level: | Drug-grid Severity Level 4 |
County: | Johnson |
Case status II: | Inactive |
Case number I: | 07CR3313 |