Derrick Marquette Simons

Last Updated: January 15th, 2025
Jail Location
Black Male
180lbs (82kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1972
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Registration: 3833
Level: Level III
Comments: According to official documents, on 11/17/13, Simon was released from custody with his most current offense (10/01/04) being Indecent Liberties without Forcible Compulsion and Promoting Prostitution. Simon (age 31) harbored a 12 year ol runaway, had sexual relations with her (to include intercourse and fallatio) and had her engage in acts of prostitution for drugs and money on several occasions in Federal Way, WA. In October of 2002, Simon, (age 30) was convicted for Telephone Harassment (originally charged with Communicating with a Minor for Immoral Purposes). Simon met the 13 year old victim on a chat line and communicated with her via telephone and letter in a sexual manner. In October of 1994, Simon was convicted of Rape 2nd Degree in King County. Simon (age 22) sexually assaulted a known 17 year old female. After the two became friends, Simon unexpectedly picked her up one night to go out. Simon then took her to a hotel room and focibly assaulted and raped her. " Probation Conditions HAVE NO CONTACT WITH THE VICTIM. COMSUME NO ALCOHOL & SUBMIT TO TESTING TO PROVIDE PROOF OF COMPLIANCE. WITHIN 30 DAYS OF RELEASE FROM CONFINEMENT, OBTAIN A SUBSTANCE ABUSE EVALUATION & IF DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY THAT EVALUATION ENTER INTO TEATMENT & NOT DISCONTINUE TREATMENT W/O PERSMIISION OF CCO. SUBMIT TO POLYGRAPH & PLETHYSMOGRAPH TESTING UPON REQUEST OF THERAPIST AND/OR CCO MAINTAIN CCO APPROVED EMPLOYMENT &* NOTIFY YOUR EMPLOYER REGARDING YOUR HISTORY OF SEXUAL DEVIANCY & RULES & REGULATIONS REGARDING CHILDREN & LEGAL STATUS. DON'T CHANGE THERAPISTS W/O PRIOR APPROVAL OF CCO AND TREATMENT THERAPIST. DON'T ATTEND X-RATED MOVIES, PEEP SHOWS OR ADULT BOOK STORES W/O APPROVAL OF SEXUAL DEVIANCY TREATMENT SPECIALIST OR CCO. DON'T LEAVE COUNTY OF RESIDENCE W/O APPROVAL OF YOUR CCO. DON'T OPERATE ANY BUSINESSES OR HOBBIES OUT OF THE HOME WHICH MAY INFLUENCE MINORS TO FREQUENT RESIDENCE W/O FIRST NOTIFYING CCO & TREATMENT PROVIDER OF THESE PRACTICES.

Documented Aliases


Scars marks tattoos

Description: Scar on R_forearm (RF ARM)

Description: Scar on Back ( BACK)

Description: Other on LH_finger (PINKY DEFORMED)

Recent Arrests

Booking location: Kitsap County, WA

Other charges

Description: 9A.44.050 - Rape in the second degree View this statute
Date convicted: Aug 31, 1994
Charges: N/A

Description: 9a.44.100(10)(a) - Indecent Liberties View this statute
Date convicted: Sep 7, 2004
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A

Description: 9A.88.070 - Promoting prostitution in the first degree View this statute
Date convicted: Sep 7, 2004
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A

Description: 9A.44.130(12)(B) - Sex offender/non felony-kidnap fail to register (attempted) View this statute
Date convicted: Nov 20, 2002
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A


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