Destiny Michelle Rogers

Last Updated: January 16th, 2025
Jail Location
White Female

Personal Details

Date of birth: Jan 8, 1992
Probable cause affidavit: SUBMITTED BY: POLLARD, RANDALL 0677 (AR14-11243) DID UNLAWFULLY HAVE IN HER ACTUAL OR CONSTRUCTIVE POSSESSION A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, TO WIT: CRACK COCAINE, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 893.13(6)(A). ON 071814, AT APPROXIMATELY 1900 HOURS, I WAS CONTACTED BY K-9 DEPUTY INDORATO, WHO INFORMED THAT HE CONDUCTED A TRAFFIC STOP AT HIGHWAY NORVELL BRYANT HIGHWAY AND NORTH FLORIDA AVENUE ON A black MITSUBISHI VEHICLE AND HIS PROBABLE CAUSE FOR THE STOP WAS THE DRIVER’S SIDE WINDOW Had illegal tint. he stated that the tint meter read at 6 percent, which is less than 28 PERCENT OR ABOVE LEGAL TINT. shortly after i ARRIVED on scene, i observed K-9 DEPUTY indorato conduct an EXTERIOR sniff of the VEHICLE with his canine. after doing so, he ADVISED me that his canine alerted to the odor of NARCOTICS inside the VEHICLE. at that time, I removed rear seat passenger/DEFENDANT, ms DESTINY ROGERS, while K-9 DEPUTY DEARDEN and K-9 DEPUTY Indorato removed the other occupants. i began speaking with DESTINY, asking if there was anything illegal inside the VEHICLE OR on her person. the DEFENDANT appeared to get nervous, at which time i PULLED OUT A preprinted AGENCY ISSUED miranda card and read THE DEFENDANT MIRANDA RIGHTS, WHERE she agreed that she understood her RIGHTS and she would speak to me. the DEFENDANT then stated, i’m not going to lie to you, i have something on me. upon asking THE DEFENDANT what she was holding, the DEFENDANT stated that she had crack cocaine in her vagina. at that time, i walked her to the front of k-9 DEPUTY dearden’s VEHICLE, which was blocked by tWo other patrol cars to prevent the DEFENDANT from exposing herself. i THEN requested that she remove the product from her vaginal area, to which she complied. UPON THE DEFENDANT REMOVING THE ITEMS AND HANDING THEM TO ME, i placed THEM ON DEPUTY DEARDEN’S PATROL VEHICLE. i observed a rock like substance in one of the baggies THAT THROUGH MY TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE I RECOGNIZED to be crack cocaine. i also observed a GREEN LEAFY SUBSTANCE THAT THROUGH MY TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE I RECOGNIZED to be MARIJUANA. PRESUMPTIVE field tests CONFIRMED that each of these substances were crack cocaine and MARIJUANA respectively. i then ASKED the DEFENDANT if anyone else in the VEHICLE had anything else illegal on them that i needed to be aware of, to which she stated that they did not. she also stated that there was nothing further THAT WAS illegal inside the VEHICLE. the crack cocaine was then weighed and weighed APPROXIMATELY 1.3 grams with the bag. the MARIJUANA was then weighed and was WEIGHED APPROXIMATELY 2 Grams with the bag. at that time K-9 DEPUTY indorato took POSSESSION of the crack cocaine and MARIJUANA to turn into EVIDENCE at THE OPERATIONS CENTER. DEPUTY indorato then finished up his traffic stop INVESTIGATION and obtained all the remaining occupants’ INFORMATION. the DEFENDANT stated that the substance that she was concealing was crack cocaine and MARIJUANA. the DEFENDANT was not charged with the MARIJUANA at this time. THE DEFENDANT WAS THEN PLACED UNDER ARREST, HANDCUFFED, (DOUBLE LOCKED), BEHIND HER BACK, SECURED IN THE REAR OF MY PATROL VEHICLE AND TRANSPORTED TO THE CITRUS COUNTY DETENTION FACILITY FOR BOOKING AND PROCESSING THE DEFENDANT'S BOND WAS SET AT $2,000.00, PER THE BOND SCHEDULE. SEE DEPUTY INDORATO’S SUPPLEMENT FOR FURTHER DETAIL.

Known addresses

8, Florida 34465

Recent Arrests

Arrest number: 11238
Arrest date: Jul 18, 2014
Arrest type: Felony
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Recent Charges

Code: 893.13(6)(A)
Bond amount: $2,000


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