Date of birth: | Aug 27, 1990 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Initial receipt date: | Sep 16, 2015 |
Facility: | SUWANNEE C.I. ANNEX |
DC number: | C10162 |
Current custody: | CLOSE |
Release date: | Mar 4, 2018 |
Booking location: | Volusia County, FL |
Booking location: | Richland County, SC |
Sentence length: | 3Y 0M 0D |
Discharge date: | Sep 2, 2015 |
Offense date: | Mar 24, 2015 |
County: | VOLUSIA |
Case number: | 1531517 |
Warrant code: | Y40120029 |
Offensedescription: | VIOLATION OF PROBATION |
Bond type: | SB |
Bond amount: | $75,000 |
Warrant code: | K651823 |
Offensedescription: | Domestic / Criminal domestic violenceof a high and aggravated nature |
Bond type: | SB |
Warrant code: | K651824 |
Offensedescription: | Weapons / Possession of Firearm or Ammunition by person convicted of violent felony |
Bond type: | SB |
Bond amount: | $25,000 |