Donna Faye Camp

Last Updated: January 27th, 2025
Jail Location
Indian Female
5′ 8″ (1.73m)
140lbs (64kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Aug 5, 1966
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Release date: Jun 25, 2010
Inmate status: RELS
City of birth: DALLAS
Cin: 488575
Build: MED
Booking number: 201008332
Booking date: Jun 25, 2010
Bn: 142889
Birth place: TX
Arrest date: Jun 25, 2010
Arresting agency: PORT RICHEY PD
Booking location: Pasco County, FL
Unit: 100
Status: IN
Pod: D
Facility: Detention Central (Land O'Lakes)
Cell: 112
Bed: B
Inmate location: 309

Known addresses

Florida 34652
Florida 99999
Florida 34668
Pt, Florida 34668

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: PORT RICHEY PD
Arrest date: Jul 14, 2013
Arrest type: WARRANT

Arresting agency: PASCO CO SO
Arrest date: Jul 11, 2012
Arrest type: WARRANT

Arresting agency: PASCO CO SO
Arrest date: May 16, 2012
Arrest type: WARRANT

Arresting agency: PORT RICHEY PD
Arrest date: Dec 16, 2011
Arrest type: ON VIEW

Arresting agency: PORT RICHEY PD
Arrest date: Jun 25, 2010
Arrest type: WARRANT

Arresting agency: PORT RICHEY PD
Arrest date: May 28, 2009
Arrest type: WARRANT

Arresting agency: PORT RICHEY PD
Arrest date: Jun 11, 2008
Arrest type: WARRANT

Arresting agency: PORT RICHEY PD
Arrest date: Jan 9, 2008
Arrest type: TRAFFIC

Arresting agency: PASCO CO SO
Arrest date: Nov 7, 2007
Arrest type: WARRANT

Arresting agency: NEW PORT RICHEY PD
Arrest date: Aug 22, 2007
Arrest type: TRAFFIC

Arresting agency: PORT RICHEY PD
Arrest date: Jul 5, 2007
Arrest type: WARRANT

Arresting agency: PORT RICHEY PD
Arrest date: Jan 15, 2007
Arrest type: ON VIEW

Arresting agency: PORT RICHEY PD
Arrest date: Mar 17, 2006
Arrest type: ON VIEW

Recent Charges

Dispo type: UROR
Court case: CTC1001603MMAWS
Code: 86.33
Charge seq: 1
Charge description: FTA - OPEN CONTAINER
Bond amount: $0
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: TS
Court case: CTC076134XCFTWS
Code: 948.06
Charge seq: 1
Charge description: VIOL PROBATION MISD
Bond amount: $0
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: TS
Court case: CTC081868XDUTWS
Code: 948.06
Charge seq: 2
Charge description: VIOL PROBATION MISD
Bond amount: $0
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: RLSD
Court case: CTC076134XCFTWS
Code: 316.193
Charge seq: 1
Charge description: DUI
Bond amount: $0
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: RLSD
Court case: CTC0702921MMAWS
Code: 86.33
Charge seq: 2
Charge description: FTA - OPEN CONTAINER
Bond amount: $0
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: RLSD
Court case: CTC0900458MMAWS
Code: 812.014.12E
Charge seq: 1
Charge description: FTA - PETIT THEFT LESS THAN 300.00
Bond amount: $0
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: JAPL
Court case: CTC1301984MMAWS
Code: 796.07.2e
Charge seq: 1
Bond amount: $513
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: JAPL
Court case: CRC1202661CFAWS
Code: 948.06
Charge seq: 1
Charge description: VIOL PROBATION FELONY
Bond amount: $0
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: PROB
Court case: CRC1202661CFAWS
Code: 812.014
Charge seq: 1
Charge description: GRAND THEFT
Bond amount: $0
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: SROR
Court case: CTC0700320MMAWS
Code: 784.03
Charge seq: 1
Charge description: DOMESTIC BATTERY
Bond amount: $0
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: BOND
Court case: CTC0601947MMAWS
Code: 784.03.1a1
Charge seq: 1
Charge description: SIMPLE BATTERY
Bond amount: $0
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: SROR
Court case: CTC076134XCFTWS
Code: 316.193
Charge seq: 1
Charge description: DUI
Bond amount: $250
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: BOND
Court case: CTC0702921MMAWS
Code: 843.15.1b
Charge seq: 1
Charge description: FTA-MISD
Bond amount: $113
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: JAPL
Court case: CTC1109138MMAWS
Code: 86.33
Charge seq: 1
Charge description: OPEN CONTAINER
Bond amount: $150
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: JAPL
Court case: CTC110099WFWTWS
Code: 948.06
Charge seq: 1
Bond amount: $150
Arrest seq: 2

Dispo type: PROB
Court case: CTC081868XDUTWS
Code: 316.193
Charge seq: 1
Charge description: DUI
Bond amount: $0
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: RLSD
Court case: CTC082202GAFTWS
Code: 322.03
Charge seq: 2
Charge description: NO VALID DL
Bond amount: $0
Arrest seq: 1

Dispo type: ADCC
Court case: CRC0800139CFAWS
Code: 812.014.3C6
Charge seq: 1
Bond amount: $0
Arrest seq: 2


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.