Date of birth: | Sep 24, 1987 |
Cell: | D |
Cell block: | Booking |
Arrest date: | Mar 15, 2017 |
Booking location: | Cherokee County, SC |
Arrest date: | Sep 14, 2015 |
Booking location: | Cherokee County, SC |
Arresting agency: | Spartanburg County S.O. |
Arrest officer: | RABIDEAU |
Booking number: | 17-02567 |
Booking date: | Mar 15, 2017 |
Booking location: | Spartanburg County, SC |
Description: | SENTENCED: Serving 30 days - Consecutive; Arrest Date 09/14/2015; Bond - Cash, $686.93; Set By Judge Julian Wright; |
Description: | WARRANT CHARGE: Arrest warrant 2015A1110100707 issued by Cherokee, SC (44-53-370(B)(2) - MANUFT POSSESS OTHER SUB SCH I II III WITD-1ST); Arrest Date 09/14/2015; Bond - Surety, $7500.00; Set By Judge Julian Wright; |
Description: | WARRANT CHARGE: Arrest warrant 2015A1110100708 issued by Cherokee, SC (44-53-375(B)(2) - DRUGS/MAN DIST ETC OF COCAINE BASE 2ND); Arrest Date 09/14/2015; Bond - Surety, $7500.00; Set By Judge Julian Wright; |
Description: | BLUE TICKET: 56-5-6540 - SEATBELT VIOLATION; Arrest Date 03/15/2017; Bond - Pending; |
Description: | BLUE TICKET: 56-1-460(A)(2)B - DRIVING UNDER SUSPENSION (DUI) 2ND OFFENSE; Arrest Date 03/15/2017; Bond - Pending; |
Warrant: | BW13827GG |
Statute: | SPMA BW |
Offense: | SPTBG MAG CT B/W |
Bond amount: | $647.50 |