Date of birth: | Sep 1, 1985 |
Ethnicity: | HISPANIC |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Status: | Active |
Registration: | 1620281 |
Level: | Sexually Violent Predator |
Description: | BACK |
Description: | ELBOW, RIGHT NUMERAL |
Description: | NECK WORD |
Description: | CHEST |
Booking location: | Santa Clara County, CA |
Booking location: | Indiana |
Booking number: | 52804343J2984 |
Jail name: | Illinois State Police |
Location: | 9511 Harrison St, Des Plaines, IL 60016 |
Offense code: | 261(a)(3) |
State equivalent: | 35-42-4-9 - SEXUAL MISCONDUCT WITH A MINOR |
Details: | Count 1, the Indiana equivalency would be Sexual Misconduct with a Minor, a class C felony. |
Description: | 261(a)(3) - Rape of drugged victim |
Date convicted: | Nov 2, 2004 |
County of conviction: | Santa Clara |
Conviction state: | California |
Case number: | 25507545 |
Charges: | N/A |
State equivalent: | 35-42-4-3 - Child Molesting |
Details: | Count 2, would be Child Molesting, a class B felony. |
Description: | 261.5(c) - Unlawful sexual Intercourse w/ a Minor where Minor is more than 3 Years Younger than the perpetrator |
County of conviction: | Santa Clara |
Conviction state: | California |
Charges: | N/A |