Date of birth: | Sep 16, 1956 |
Unit: | K |
Booking number: | 3851-2016 |
Booking date: | Oct 13, 2016 |
Booking location: | Westmoreland County, PA |
State charge code: | 35 780-113 A32 M |
Judge dj: | Feliciani |
Description: | Use/poss Of Drug Paraph |
Case: | CP-65-CR-0002382-2016 CR-0002382-2016 |
State charge code: | 18 6301 A1 M1 |
Judge dj: | Feliciani |
Description: | Corruption Of Minors |
Case: | CP-65-CR-0002382-2016 CR-0002382-2016 |
State charge code: | 18 4910 1 M2 |
Judge dj: | Feliciani |
Description: | Tamper With/fabricate Phys L Evidence |
Case: | CP-65-CR-0002382-2016 CR-0002382-2016 |
State charge code: | 18 4304 A1 F3 |
Judge dj: | Feliciani |
Description: | Endangering Welfare Of Children Parent/guardian/ |
Case: | CP-65-CR-0002382-2016 CR-0002382-2016 |