Date of birth: | 1940 |
Hair: | Gray |
Eyes: | Hazel |
Registration: | SX06-43 |
Odoc: | 381553 |
Description: | Tattoo on R_arm (HEART) |
Description: | Tattoo on L_arm (SPIDER) |
Arresting agency: | Tulsa County Sheriff's Office |
Booking location: | Tulsa County, OK |
Booking location: | Tulsa County, OK |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 10Y |
Start: | Dec 5, 2000 |
Offense: | Lewd Molestation |
End: | 01/05/2005 |
Crf: | 98-6334 |
County: | TULS |
Conviction: | Nov 13, 2000 |
Term code: | Probation |
Term: | 10Y |
Start: | Nov 13, 2000 |
Offense: | Lewd Molestation |
End: | 11/12/2020 |
Crf: | 98-6334 |
County: | TULS |
Conviction: | Nov 13, 2000 |
Term code: | SUSPENDED |
Term: | 14.15 Y |
Start: | Nov 13, 2000 |
Offense: | Lewd Or Indecent Proposals/Acts To Child |
End: | 01/04/2015 |
Crf: | 1998-6334 |
County: | TULS |
Description: | 1123 - Lewd or indecent Proposals or Acts to a Child under 16/Sexual Battery to Person over 16 |
Charges: | N/A |