Date of birth: | Nov 25, 1961 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Obts: | 5003326309 |
Jacket number: | 0104196 |
Holds for other agencies: | No |
Facility: | SURETY BOND |
Supervision type: | SEX OFFENDER PROBATION |
Supervision begin date: | Nov 8, 2005 |
Scheduled termination date: | Nov 7, 2015 |
Inmate status: | ACTIVE |
DC number: | 602940 |
Registration: | 1894 |
Release date: | Apr 20, 2012 |
Booking number: | 2012014220 |
Booking date: | Apr 2, 2012 |
Arresting agency: | 40-DELRAY BEACH |
Booking location: | Palm Beach County, FL |
Designation: | Sexual Offender |
Department of corrections: | 602940 |
Description: | Scar on L_forearm () |
Description: | Tattoo on R_arm (Unicorn) |
Arresting agency: | 01-PBSO |
Booking number: | 2012015239 |
Booking date: | Apr 2, 2012 |
Release date: | Apr 20, 2012 |
Booking location: | Palm Beach County, FL |
Booking location: | Palm Beach County, FL |
Booking number: | 1894 |
Jail name: | Indiana Sheriffs Association |
Location: | 147 Maryland St, Indianapolis, IN 46204 |
Arresting agency: | Orange County Sheriff's Office |
Booking location: | Florida |
Convicted date: | Feb 8, 2005 |
State: | Florida |
Details: | Lewd or Lascivious Molestation |
Description: | PROB VIOLATION - |
Charge number: | 948.06-3848 |
Bond amount: | $3,000 |
Charge number: | 316.193-6276 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Description: | PROB VIOLATION - |
Charge number: | 948.06-3848 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Jurisdiction state: | PALM BEACH, FL |
Crime description: | Lewd or lascivious molestation victim 12-15 years old offender 18 or older; F.S. 800.04(5)(c)(2) (PRINCIPAL) |
Court case: | 0413004 |
Adjudication date: | Nov 8, 2005 |
Adjudication: | Guilty/convict |
Description: | 800.04(5)(a) - Lewd or Lascivious Molestation on a Child Under 15 yoa |
Date convicted: | Feb 7, 2005 |
Conviction state: | Florida |
Charges: | N/A |