Date of birth: | Aug 27, 1956 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Facility: | CENTRAL OFFICE |
DC number: | S00703 |
Status: | Deported |
Designation: | Sexual Offender |
Department of corrections: | S00703 |
Release date: | Jun 14, 2011 |
Booking location: | Manatee County, FL |
Booking location: | Sumter County, FL |
Sentence length: | 1Y 10M 24D |
Discharge date: | May 13, 2011 |
Offense date: | Feb 8, 2009 |
Offense: | L/L MOLEST V12-15 OFF 18+ |
County: | MANATEE |
Case number: | 0900419 |