Date of birth: | Sep 20, 1974 |
Hair: | Blond |
Eyes: | Brown |
Scheduled termination date: | Nov 11, 2003 |
Release type: | COMM SUP END DT[info] |
Last movement: | Nov 16, 2003 |
Inmate status: | COMPLETE AND VERIFIED |
Inmate number: | 136129 |
Inmate detainee: | INMATE |
Custody classification: | 2/2 |
Cur absconded: | N |
Community supervision parole: | N |
Admission date: | Mar 4, 2003 |
Mugshots com: | 183005651 |
Ext id key: | 146135321464748235 |
Release date: | Nov 16, 2003 |
Booking location: | Maricopa County, AZ |
Booking number: | T614993 |
Booking date: | Jan 29, 2020 |
Booking location: | Maricopa County, AZ |
Verified: | YES |
Sentence status: | IMPOSED |
Sentence county: | MARICOPA |
Sentence: | 0000900 |
Ruling: | Y |
Offense date: | Aug 31, 2002 |
Felony class: | CL5 |
Crime info: | ND/NR |
Court cause: | 2002097115 |
Commit: | C01 |
Description: | (002) Counts of DANGEROUS DRUG-POSS/USE |
Description: | (001) Count of BURGLARY 3RD DEG-UNLAW ENTRY |
Description: | (001) Count of THEFT-CONTROL PROPERTY |
Description: | (001) Count of POSS WPN BY PROHIB PERSON |
Description: | (001) Count of POSSESS/USE WPN IN DRUG OFF |
Description: | (001) Count of |
Description: | (001) Count of DRUG PARAPHERNALIA-POSSESS/USE |
Description: | (1) Count of BURGLARY 3RD DEG-UNLAW ENTRY |
Description: | (1) Count of THEFT-CONTROL PROPERTY |
Description: | (2) Counts of DANGEROUS DRUG-POSS/USE |
Description: | (1) Count of POSSESS/USE WPN IN DRUG OFF |
Description: | (1) Count of |
Description: | (1) Count of POSS WPN BY PROHIB PERSON |
Description: | (1) Count of DRUG PARAPHERNALIA-POSSESS/USE |
Description: | 9 months |