Date of birth: | May 20, 1965 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Status: | Prisoner |
Sid number: | 1403039P |
Security level: | II |
Mdoc number: | 210718 |
Discharge date: | Jun 29, 2064 |
Assigned location: | Gus Harrison Correctional Facility |
Release date: | Feb 3, 2040 |
Booking location: | Wayne County, MI |
Booking number: | 2013024527 |
Booking date: | Oct 21, 2013 |
Booking location: | Wayne County, MI |
Status: | Active |
Sentence: | 1 |
Offense: | Homicide - Murder, Second Degree |
Minimum sentence: | 60 years 0 months 0 days |
Mcl: | 750.317 |
Maximum sentence: | 90 years 0 months |
Date of sentence: | Apr 13, 1999 |
Date of offense: | Sep 19, 1989 |
Court file: | 89-12514-2 |
County: | Wayne |
Conviction type: | Jury |
Fac: | 1 |
Charge: | Rel Dt/Tm: Agency: DOC |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Fac: | 1 |
Docket: | 89-12514-02 |
Bond type: | REM |
Bond amount: | $0 |