Date of birth: | Oct 10, 1953 |
Odoc: | 258138 |
Booking location: | Oklahoma County, OK |
Term code: | Probation |
Term: | 3Y 0M 0D |
Start: | Jun 20, 1997 |
Offense: | Dui |
End: | 06/25/1998 |
Crf: | 97-1788 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Jun 20, 1997 |
Term code: | CSD Suspended |
Term: | 7 Y |
Start: | May 16, 2001 |
Offense: | Dui - Liquor Or Drugs/Apcv |
End: | 05/15/2008 |
Crf: | 1998-495 |
County: | OKLA |
Offense: | Driving W/License Canc/Susp/Revoked |
Crf: | 1998-495 |
County: | OKLA |
Offense: | Failure To Maintain Security |
Crf: | 1998-495 |
County: | OKLA |
Crf: | 2013-5282 |
County: | OKLA |