Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Booking location: | Seward County, KS |
Sentencing date: | May 1, 2008 |
Offense date: | Feb 27, 2008 |
Description: | Domestic battery; intentional bodily harm caused by family member to family member |
Crime level: | Class B Misdemeanor |
County: | Seward |
Case status II: | Inactive |
Case number I: | 08CR75 |
Sentencing date: | May 1, 2008 |
Offense date: | Feb 27, 2008 |
Description: | Criminal threat |
Crime level: | Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 9 |
County: | Seward |
Case status II: | Inactive |
Case number I: | 08CR75 |
Sentencing date: | May 1, 2008 |
Offense date: | Feb 27, 2008 |
Description: | Intimidation of a witness or victim |
Crime level: | Class B Misdemeanor |
County: | Seward |
Case status II: | Inactive |
Case number I: | 08CR75 |