Frank Wesley Matthews

Last Updated: February 20th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
5′ 10″ (1.78m)
200lbs (91kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Oct 9, 1975
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Targets: Pre-pubescent boys. The crime of conviction occurred in a public place and Mr Matthews was a stranger to the victim.
Supervised by: KLAMATH CO COMM CORR 541-880-5500
Methods of offending: Mr Matthews is on supervision for Sodomy 2. The Parole Board has determined that Mr Matthews is predatory. His period of supervision is 10 years with the expiration date being: 10/16/2019.
Conditions restrictions: Mr Matthews is prohibited from having contact with any persons under the age of 18. He is restricted from places where minors are likely to congregate (e.g. playgrounds, school grounds, arcades) without prior written approval from the supervising officer. No possession of pornography of any type. Additionally, he is to complete intensive sex offender treatment and be monitored with polygraph testing. He is restricted from forming relationships with persons responsible for the care of minors. He is prohibited from consuming alcohol and drugs. Mr Matthews is subject to curfew and geographical restrictions.

Recent Arrests

Booking location: Marion County, OR

Recent Charges

Offense name: SODOMY 2-FEL
Conviction date: Dec 1, 1995


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