Date of birth: | Oct 22, 1989 |
Prisoner type: | STATE INMATE |
Pid: | 0000321333 |
Inmate name: | ALSTON, GARY DELION |
Housing: | Not Active |
Committed: | 9/15/2010 at 04:10 |
Obid: | 389530 |
Jid: | 09-019965 |
Committed at: | 6/17/2009 at 20:28 |
Arrest number: | 01467375 |
Arrest date: | Sep 14, 2010 |
Arrest officer: | CMPD |
Release date: | Sep 28, 2010 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arrest number: | 01415561 |
Arrest date: | Jun 17, 2009 |
Arrest officer: | CMPD |
Release date: | Jun 26, 2009 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arrest number: | 01467375 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arrest number: | 01626142 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arrest number: | 01552593 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arrest number: | 01630332 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arrest number: | 01589316 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Ref: | 013 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 234300 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 14CR240051 |
Bond amount: | REL 500 |
Ref: | 014 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 234300 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 14CR240052 |
Bond amount: | REL 500 |
Ref: | 001 |
Disposition: | E |
Court: | 354400 |
Case csl: | 13CR238843 |
Bond amount: | SENT 0 |
Ref: | 004 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 233700 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 14CR238113 |
Bond amount: | REL 10000 |
Ref: | 001 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 355000 4170A |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 14CR239765 |
Bond amount: | REL 500 |
Ref: | 003 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 355000 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 14CR033718 |
Bond amount: | FTA 500 |
Ref: | 003 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 522400 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 14CR238112 |
Bond amount: | REL 15000 |
Ref: | 002 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 340100 4170A |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 14CR239766 |
Bond amount: | REL 400 |
Ref: | 010 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 232200 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 14CR240048 |
Bond amount: | REL 1000 |
Ref: | 012 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 232200 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 14CR240050 |
Bond amount: | REL 1000 |
Ref: | 006 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 232200 1150B |
Cnty type: | VD |
Case csl: | 14CR238738 |
Bond amount: | REL 500 |
Ref: | 008 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 232200 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 14CR238881 |
Bond amount: | REL 500 |
Ref: | 002 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 850500 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 13CR238842 |
Bond amount: | REL 500 |
Ref: | 004 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 235601 1150B |
Cnty type: | VD |
Case csl: | 10CR244497 |
Bond amount: | REL 10000 |
Ref: | 002 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 340100 4150B |
Cnty type: | VD |
Case csl: | 12CR243466 |
Bond amount: | REL 500 |
Ref: | 003 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 340100 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 13CR238841 |
Bond amount: | REL 500 |
Ref: | 002 |
Disposition: | I |
Court: | 340100 1150B |
Cnty type: | UNS |
Case csl: | 10CR244628 |
Bond amount: | REL 500 |
Ref: | 001 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 524000 1150B |
Cnty type: | VD |
Case csl: | 12CR243465 |
Bond amount: | REL 1000 |
Ref: | 001 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 354400 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 13CR238843 |
Bond amount: | REL 2500 |
Ref: | 001 |
Disposition: | I |
Court: | 354400 1150B |
Cnty type: | UNS |
Case csl: | 10CR244627 |
Bond amount: | REL 5000 |
Ref: | 003 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 352100 1150B |
Cnty type: | VD |
Case csl: | 12CR243467 |
Bond amount: | REL 5000 |
Ref: | 009 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 221600 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 14CR240047 |
Bond amount: | REL 7500 |
Ref: | 011 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 221600 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 14CR240049 |
Bond amount: | REL 7500 |
Ref: | 005 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 221600 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 14CR238737 |
Bond amount: | REL 2500 |
Ref: | 007 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 221600 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 14CR238880 |
Bond amount: | REL 2500 |
Ref: | 003 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 221201 1150B |
Cnty type: | VD |
Case csl: | 10CR244496 |
Bond amount: | REL 15000 |
Disposition: | I |
Case csl: | HLD-75452 |
Bond amount: | CMPDEM |
Disposition: | I |
Case csl: | HLD-114347 |
Bond amount: | $1,099 |
Type: | SECURED |
Court case: | 0922919301 |
Charge description: | LARCENY OF MOTOR VEHICLE (FELONY) |
Bond amount: | $10,000 |
Arrest type: | FELONY |
Type: | SECURED |
Court case: | 0922919401 |
Charge description: | STOLEN VEHICLE - POSSESSING |
Bond amount: | $10,000 |
Arrest type: | FELONY |
Disposition: | A |
Case csl: | HLD-114991 |
Bond amount: | CMPDEM |
Disposition: | I |
Case csl: | HLD-115041 |
Bond amount: | $1,099 |
Type: | SECURED |
Court case: | 1024462701 |
Charge description: | C/S-SCH VI- P/W/I/S/D MARIJUANA |
Bond amount: | $5,000 |
Arrest type: | FELONY |
Type: | SECURED |
Court case: | 1024462801 |
Bond amount: | $500 |
Arrest type: | MISDEMEANOR |
Type: | SECURED |
Court case: | 1024449601 |
Bond amount: | $15,000 |
Arrest type: | FELONY |
Arrest process: | WARRANT |
Type: | SECURED |
Court case: | 1024449701 |
Charge description: | LARCENY AFTER BREAK/ENTER - $200 AND UP |
Bond amount: | $10,000 |
Arrest type: | FELONY |
Arrest process: | WARRANT |
Type: | VD |
Ref: | 001 |
Ord: | REL |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 1150B |
Charge: | 239100 |
Case: | 09CR229193 |
Type: | VD |
Ref: | 002 |
Ord: | REL |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 1150B |
Charge: | 541702 |
Case: | 09CR229194 |
Type: | UNS |
Ref: | 001 |
Ord: | REL |
Disposition: | I |
Description: | C/S-SCH VI- P/W/I/S/D MARIJUANA |
Court: | 1150B |
Charge: | 354400 |
Case: | 10CR244627 |
Bond: | 5000 |
Type: | UNS |
Ref: | 002 |
Ord: | REL |
Disposition: | I |
Court: | 1150B |
Charge: | 340100 |
Case: | 10CR244628 |
Bond: | 500 |
Type: | VD |
Ref: | 003 |
Ord: | REL |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 1150B |
Charge: | 221201 |
Case: | 10CR244496 |
Bond: | 15000 |
Type: | VD |
Ref: | 004 |
Ord: | REL |
Disposition: | B |
Description: | LARCENY AFTER BREAK/ENTER - $200 AND UP |
Court: | 1150B |
Charge: | 235601 |
Case: | 10CR244497 |
Bond: | 10000 |
Ord: | CMPDEM |
Disposition: | I |
Case: | HLD-75452 |