Date of birth: | Feb 9, 1986 |
Jms number: | 1569333 |
Housing location: | CJC-S21-C-1-027 |
Control number: | 2318277 |
Admitted date: | Nov 21, 2012 |
Visiting info: | Justice Center, 1000 Sycamore; Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday; Wed-Fri Hours 12Noon-730PM; Sat 900AM-430PM; Limited to 15 minutes |
Mail money orders to: | GARY WAYNE WRIGHT - 1477572; 900 Sycamore St.; Cincinnati, OH 45202 |
Active holder: | Yes |
Booking location: | Hamilton County, OH |
Orc code: | 2919-25 |
Municipal: | 015/CRB/11971 |
Holder: | Y |
Fine: | n |
Description: | DOMESTIC VIOLENCE |
Court date: | Jun 25, 2015 |
Comments: | BOND PLUS JURIS IF REQ MADE BOND 06-08-15 *** PENDING JURIS **** |
Bond type: | C1 |
Bond amount: | $5,000 |
Holder: | Y |
Other case: | DEARBORN CO IN// |
Fine: | $0 |
Charge desc: | - Unknown |
Charge comments: | CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE SIGNED 8/17/12, CT. 8/20/12, P/U BY 9/4/12 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Muni case: | 012/CRA/25770A |
Fine: | $0 |
Court date: | Aug 27, 2012 |
Charge disposition: | TRAFFICKING IN DRUGS |
Charge desc: | 2925-03 - TRAFFICKING IN DRUGS |
Charge comments: | TS 8/17/12 |
Bond type: | $10 % |
Bond amount: | $1,000 |
Muni case: | 012/CRA/25770B |
Fine: | $0 |
Court date: | Aug 27, 2012 |
Charge disposition: | WEAPON WHILE UNDER DISABILTYF4 |
Charge desc: | 2923-13 - WEAPON WHILE UNDER DISABILTYF4 |
Charge comments: | MADE BOND 8/17/12 |
Bond type: | $10 % |
Bond amount: | $1,000 |