Date of birth: | Feb 27, 1975 |
Inmate number: | 147866 |
Info: | Brattleboro Probation and Parole PO Box 8237, 41 Spring Tree Rd Brattleboro VT 05304 254-5911 |
Inmate status: | Not In Custody |
Term id: | 66282 |
Max end date: | Feb 6, 2014 |
Facility: | Cheshire County Facility |
Booking number: | 667286 |
Booking date: | Feb 17, 2007 |
Booking location: | Volusia County, FL |
Booking location: | Vermont |
Booked date: | Apr 6, 2000 |
Booking location: | New Hampshire |
Offense date: | Nov 13, 2012 |
Minimum: | 9/9/9999 |
Maximum: | 2/6/2014 |
Docket: | 449-2012-CR-03663 |
Court: | 8th Circuit - District Division - Keene |
Caseid: | 140981 |