Gilberto Jamie Ruiz Merino

Last Updated: January 4th, 2025
Jail Location
Hispanic Male

Personal Details

Date of birth: Feb 4, 1976
Probable cause affidavit: SUBMITTED BY: HORTON, TIMOTHY 0614 (AR10113921) did, knowing HE HAD NO VALID DRIVER'S driver's license or driving PRIVILEGE drive a motor vehicle upon the highways of this state, in violation of Florida Statute 322.03(1). ON 032110 at 2153 hours, i RESPONDED to a traffic acCIDENT locaTED at us 19 and NORTHEAST 5th sTREET AT THE INTERSECTION IN THE CITY OF crYSTAL rivER. upon my arrival, i made contact with both drivers of the vehicles involved. I REQUESTED THE DRIVER'S LICENSE, REGISTRATION AND PROOF OF INSURANCE FROM the first DRIVER INVOLVED, WHICH THEY PROVIDED. i THEN REQUESTED the same infoRMATION FROM THE SECOND DRIVER INVOLVED, IDENTIFIED AS MR GILBERTO RUIZ MERINO/DEFENDANT, WHO WAS UNABLE TO PROVIDE ME WITH A VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE, BUT DID PRODUCE THE INSURANCE AND REGISTRATION FOR THE VEHICLE. upon conDUCTING a comPUTER check to DETERMINE THE STATUS OF THE LICENSES OF BOTH DRIVERS, it was discovered that the defendant did not have a valid driver's license. i then asked the defendant if he had an out of state dRIVER'S lICENSE, to WHICH he adVISED THAT he did not, and he was in the process of GETTING his permit to drive legally. after i investIGATED that traffic accident, the defendant was placed under arrest and then tranSPORTED to the CITRUS COUNTY DETENTION FACIlity where he was charged with driving WITHOUT a valid driver's license, AND HIS bond was set at $150.00 PER THE BOND SCHEDULE. the DEFENDANT was also issuED a floRIDA unIFORM tRaFFIC citation, 2167-esh 6, for no valid driver's license and given a court date of 040810 at 1300 hours. *NOT-EXEMPT*
Inmate status: Felony Misdemeanor County/Municipal Traffic Ordinance Warrant/Capias

Known addresses

Florida 34428

Recent Arrests

Arrest date: Mar 22, 2010
Booking number: 10113921
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Recent Charges

Code: 322.03(1)
Bond amount: $150


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