Glenn Wernerjohn Rintelmann

Last Updated: January 7th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male

Personal Details

Date of birth: Jul 23, 1938
Probable cause affidavit: SUBMITTED BY: SMOLENSKY, STEVEN 0142 (AR07100449) FAIL TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF REGISTRATION, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 943.0435(9)(A) ON 112307 AT APPROXIMATELY 1640 HOURS, I WAS DISPATCHED TO 2448 SOUTH NOLEN TERRACE IN INVERNESS IN REFERENCE TO A MISCELLANEOUS INCIDENT. THE ANONYMOUS CALLER ADVISED THAT THE DEFENDANT, MR GLENN RINTELMANN, RESIDES AT THAT RESIDENCE AND IS A SEXUAL OFFENDER OUT OF WISCONSIN AND HAS NOT REGISTERED. THE CALL SCREEN PROVIDED A COMPLETE ADDRESS AND ADVISED THE DEFENDANT'S RED VAN WOULD BE IN THE DRIVEWAY. UPON ARRIVAL, THE DEFENDANT WAS WAlking THROUGH his frOnt yard, at which time i introduced myself and informed him we had a call regarding his seXUal offender status. I asked if He had regISTERED. the defENDANT first advised that he did not have to register; that he had checked the statuteS; and that because he was not on probation and could vote, he did not have to register in this state. i advised the defendant that i believed that information was incorrect and that he had 48 hours to regISTER. i asked the defeNDANT what his original charge was so that i could verify THAT INFORMATION in the computer. the defendant advised it was simply labeled a sexual assAuLt. i asked if there was an age group TO which that particular charge peRtained, to which he advised no; that the othER subject involved was 22 YEARS OLD and that it was a big blow up over nothing. i asked the defenDANT for his dRIVER'S lICENSE so i could verify information in the computeR. the defeNDANT provided a wisconsin dRIVER'S lICENSE under the name OF glenn w werner. i asked the defENDANT how he had a dRIVER'S lICENSE with an incoRRect namE. the defENDANT advised that he had a friend in the wisconsin dRIVER'S lICENSE department who chaNged the name for him because of problems he was having with an ex-wife. I RETURNED TO MY PATROL VEHICLE AND ran the defendant' s correct name of glenn rintelmann through the fcic/ncic terminal and immediately obtained a sexual offender hit out ot the state of wiSCONSIN, refERENCE the charge of incest. upon runninG the defendant'S incorrect name WHICH APPEARED on his dRIVER'S lICENSE, it came back to a valid wiSCONSIN dRIVER'S lICENSE with no information, reference seXual offender. i attempTed to run a dRIVER'S lICENSE check for the defendant's correct name and the wisconsin dRIVER'S lICENSE terminal automatically reverted to the defendant's incorrect name, again with a valid license. it is unknown why THE wiSCONSIN dRIVER'S lICENSE bureau iS allowing the defendant to maintain an alias on his driver's license. i contaCTed lIEUTENANt decarlo to verify that the defEndANt did have to register and was advised that he did. upon exiting MY PATROL VEHICLE, i again made contact with the defendant and advised him that he was supposed to contact wisConsin before leaving that state, which he did not. the defendant advised he meant to Call "tina" but got busy and did not. i asked the defendant why he diD not register in florida, at which time he advised he knew he had to register BUT got busy and forgot about it, stating he had to have his well fixed. the defENDANT advised he had been back at his residence sinCe 111807, APPROXIMATELY SIX DAYS PRIOR. THE DEFENDANT THEN CHANGED THE STORY AGAIN, ADVISING THAT WISCONSIN ADVISED HIM HE HAD TEN DAYS TO REGISTER WITH THIS STATE AS OPPOSED TO THE 48 HOURS REQUIRED BY LAW. THE DEFENDANT WAS ARRESTED, HANDCUFFED (DOUBLE LOCKED) BEHIND HIS BACK, SECURED IN THE REAR SEAT OF MY PATROL VEHICLE AND TRANSPORTED TO THE CITRUS COUNTY DETENTION FACILITY IN LECANTO. UPON ARRIVAL, HE WAS CHARGED WITH FAILURE TO REGISTER AS A SEXUAL OFFENDER, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 943.0435(9)(A). THE DEFENDANT'S BOND WAS SET AT $20,000.00 PER THE BOND SCHEDULE. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THE DEFENDANT'S WISCONSIN DRIVER'S LICENSE WAS NOT RETURNED TO HIM DUE TO THE FACT THAT IT IS NOT A CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF THE DEFENDANT'S IDENTITY NOR DOES IT CONNECT THE DEFENDANT WITH SEXUAL OFFENDER STATUS OR NOTATE ON THE LICENSE ITSELF THAT THE DEFENDANT IS A SEXUAL OFFENDER. THE DEFENDANT'S WISCONSIN DRIVER'S LICENSE WAS LATER TURNED IN TO EVIDENCE. *NOT-EXEMPT*
Inmate status: Felony Misdemeanor County/Municipal Traffic Ordinance Warrant/Capias

Known addresses

Florida 34452

Recent Arrests

Arrest date: Nov 23, 2007
Booking number: 07100449
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Recent Charges

Code: 943.0435(9)(A)
Bond amount: $20,000


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