Date of birth: | 1989 |
Inmate location: | Lane County Jail |
Booking date: | Nov 18, 2016 |
Booking location: | Lane County, OR |
Court phone: | (541) 682-4201 |
Court: | Lane County Circuit Court |
Charge: | 1. #475.854 UNLAWFUL POSSESS HEROIN (Felony) |
Case: | 16CR51761 |
Arrest date: | Nov 18, 2016 |
Arresting agency: | IVERSITY OF OREGON |
Arrest: | 16-1478 |
Court phone: | (541) 682-4201 |
Court: | Lane County Circuit Court |
Charge: | 2. #164.045 THEFT 2ND DEG - 1 (Misdemeanor) |
Case: | 16CR40899 |
Arrest date: | Nov 18, 2016 |
Arresting agency: | IVERSITY OF OREGON |
Arrest: | 16-1478 |