Date of birth: | Mar 18, 1985 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Presiding judge: | Presiding Judge: Dana Zachary |
Inmate status: | Disposed/CSCD |
Filed on: | 6/12/2006 |
Crime type: | 3rd Degree Felony |
Crime name: | 04/20/06-ACCIDENT INVOLVING INJ/DEATH |
Attorney: | Gimbert, Louis (Bar # 00793810) |
SO#: | 33217 |
Arresting agency: | Department of Public Safety |
Booking number: | 034228 |
Booking date: | Jan 30, 1994 |
Release date: | Jan 30, 1994 |
Jail name: | Randall County,TX Jail |
Location: | 9100 Georgia St S, Amarillo, TX 79118 |
Booking location: | Brazos County, TX |
Warrant id: | Warrantless/On-View |
Issuing auth: | CCL |
Offense date: | Jan 30, 1994 |
Bond type: | $1,000 - Cash Bond |
Charge desposition: | Converted from Legacy |