Date of birth: | 1981 |
Arrest date: | Apr 26, 2013 |
Booking number: | 161023 |
Booking location: | Cumberland County, NC |
Arrest date: | Dec 3, 2012 |
Booking number: | 156926 |
Booking location: | Cumberland County, NC |
Arrest date: | Oct 21, 2012 |
Booking number: | 155790 |
Booking location: | Cumberland County, NC |
Description: | WRIT: RETURN TO HOKE CO. JAIL |
Description: | WRIT: M:LARCENY |
Description: | WRIT RETURN TO NCCIW |
Description: | WRIT:M: LARCENY- SENT 3 DAYS CCJ |
Description: | WRIT RETURN TO HOKE CO |
Description: | WRIT:M: SHOPLIFTING |
Description: | M: LARCENY |