Date of birth: | Oct 16, 1971 |
Hair: | Gray or partially gray |
Eyes: | Hazel |
Scars marks tattos: | Description SCAR, HAND, LEFT - in the palm SCAR, HEAD, NONSPECIFIC - RT CORNER OF MOUTH-APP. 2" LONG |
Projected parole date: | Sep 29, 2017 |
Projected discharge date: | Sep 30, 2018 |
Parent institution: | GRAHAM CORRECTIONAL CENTER |
Offender status: | RECEPTION |
Admission date: | Feb 2, 2017 |
Booking number: | B26617 |
Booking location: | Clinton County, IL |
Sentence discharged: | NO |
Sentence: | 2 Years 0 Months 0 Days |
Offense: | RET THEFT/DISP MERCH/>$300 |
Mittimus: | 16CF74 |
Custody date: | Sep 30, 2016 |
County: | CLINTON |
Count: | 1 |
Class: | 3 |
Sentence discharged: | YES |
Sentence: | 4 Years 0 Months 0 Days |
Mittimus: | 94CF960 |
Custody date: | Oct 18, 1994 |
County: | ST-CLAIR |
Count: | 1 |
Class: | 3 |
Sentence discharged: | YES |
Sentence: | 3 Years 0 Months 0 Days |
Offense: | BURGLARY |
Mittimus: | 93CF43 |
Custody date: | Oct 12, 1994 |
County: | MONROE |
Count: | 1 |
Class: | 2 |