Date of birth: | Jun 1976 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Inmate location: | 4DC14-1L |
Facility: | Racine County Jail |
Custody date: | Jun 6, 2016 |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Bail amount: | $443.80 |
Booking number: | 2016004968 |
Booking location: | Racine County, WI |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Non-registration Of Auto |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | 341.04(1) |
Case: | I3641024 |
Bail amount: | $123.80 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Oper. W/O Proof of Insurance |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | 344.62(1) |
Case: | I3641050 |
Bail amount: | $149 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Speeding On City Highway |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | 346.57(4)(E) |
Case: | S620667-5 |
Bail amount: | $171 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Unclean/defective Lights Or Reflectors |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | 347.06(3) |
Case: | I3641035 |
Bail amount: | $149 |