Date of birth: | 1964 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | 2(dark brown) |
Probation start date: | Jun 19, 2012 |
Probation end date: | May 29, 2015 |
Parole office number: | 770-489-3029 |
Parole office: | Douglasville |
Offense: | Theft By Taking |
Inmate name: | Otts,James Marlin |
SO#: | 000046102 |
Releasing officer: | 002436 |
Duration of custody: | 5 |
Comments: | W/G COLLIER PROP1420 |
Birth place: | AL |
Type: | 26 |
Side: | L |
Description: | 5/GORYGLES ON SKULL |
Body part: | A |
Type: | 26 |
Side: | L |
Description: | SKULL |
Body part: | A |
Type: | OT |
Side: | L |
Description: | TRIBALS |
Body part: | A |
Type: | 08 |
Side: | L |
Description: | LADY |
Body part: | A |
Type: | 26 |
Side: | L |
Description: | GORYGLES |
Body part: | A |
Arresting agency: | GAO330000 |
Arrest number: | 000608821 |
Arrest date: | Mar 6, 2009 |
Arrest location: | DOUGLAS CO JAIL |
Booking date: | Mar 6, 2009 |
Booking officer: | ROB142 |
Booking location: | Cobb County, GA |
Booking location: | Georgia |
Type: | NC |
Section: | HOLD |
Description: | HOLD OTHER AGENCY |
Counts: | 01/ |
Code: | HOLD |
Bond amount: | No bail |
Warrant date: | Mar 4, 2009 |
Warrant: | 08M6840 |
Type: | MI |
Section: | FOR COURT |
Description: | RETURN FOR COURT |
Counts: | 01/ |
Code: | CT |
Bond amount: | No bail |