James Richard Owens

Last Updated: February 3rd, 2025
Jail Location
Caucasian Male
5′ 6″ (1.68m)
160lbs (73kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1986
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Registration: 08066
Level: Level II
Commentaries: Comments Abide by curfew rules as directed by supervising CCO According to official documents Owens was found guilty by stipulated bench trial in Snohomish County Superior Court on 05/23/2006 of one count of Rape of a Child Third Degree and one count of Dealing in Depictions of Minor Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct. He was sentenced to 36 months in prison for each count to be served concurrently. These convictions were the result of Owens sexually assaulting the known 14 to 15 year ol female victim. The victim had run away from home and Owens took her in and sexually assaulted her during the time she stayed with him. He also took photographs of the victim that were sexually explicit, emailed them and sent them to friends via the internet. Owens continued contact with the victim after being released from custody. Owens participated in sex offender treatment while in prison. Since his release from prison, Owens has continued to place himself in high risk situations including numerous incidents of minor contact both in person that were similar to his offense and via the internet. Owens is on active supervision with the Washington State Department of Corrections, Everett Field Office (425) 290-3200, and has the following conditions: Do not access the internet by any means by himself or with the assistance of another person Do not associate with known users or sellers of illegal drugs. Do not date women nor form relationships with families who have minor children, as directed by the supervising Community Corrections Officer. Do not enter bars, taverns, casinos, or lounges or any location where alcohol is the primary item for sale Do not enter parks, playgrounds or schools or any place where children congregate as defined by community corrections officer Do not frequent areas where minor children are known to congregate, as defined by the supervising Community Corrections Officer. Do not initiate or prolong contact with minor children without the presence of an adult who is knowledgeable of the offense and has been approved by the supervising Community Corrections Officer. Do not possess drug paraphernalia. Do not possess eletronic devices. No computer, internet, or electronic devices unless preapproved by CCO Do not possess or access sexually explicit materials unless approved by CCS-SOTP and or CCO. Sexually explicit materials are any pictorial representations of adults or minors that are intended for sexual gratification. This includes, but is not limited to, material involving males, females, and or minors which show genitalia, bodily excretory behvior that appears to be sexual in nature, physical stimulation of unclothed genitals, masturbation, sodomy (I.E. bestiality or oral or anal intercourse), flagellation or torture in the context of a sexual relationship, or emphasizing the depiction of human genitals. Works of are or of anthropological significance are not considered sexually explicit materials . Do not possess or consume alcohol and do not frequent establishments where alcohol is the chief commodity for sale. Do not possess or consume controlled substances unless you have a legally issued prescription. Do not possess or peruse pornographic materials unless authorized Do not possess paraphernalia that can be used for ingestion or processing of controlled substances Do not purchase, own or have in your possession or under your control any firearm or deadly weapon Do not remain overnight in a residence where minor children live or are spending the night. Do not seek employment or volunteer positions which place you in contact with or control over minor children. Have no contact with minors Have no contact with other potential victims Have no direct or indirect contact with victim, or any members of victims immediate family. No use or possession of computers, game consoles, cell phones or other portable electronic devices Obey all laws. Participate in chemical dependency/substance abuse assessment and treatment as directed by the supervising Community Corrections Officer. Participate in offense related counseling programs, to include sexual deviancy treatment and Department of Corrections sponsored offender groups, as directed by the supervising Community Corrections Officer. Participate in urinalysis, breathalyzer, plethysmograph and polygraph examinations as directed by the supervising Community Corrections Officer. Pay the costs of crime-related counseling and medical treatment required by victim. Report to and be available for contact with assigned community corrections officer as directed Shall reside at a location and under living arrangements as approved by CCO Stay out of drug areas, as defined in writing by the supervising Community Corrections Officer. Your residence, living arrangements and employment must be approved by the supervising Community Corrections Officer.

Known addresses

Everett, Washington 98208

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Snohomish County Sheriff's Office
Booking location: Snohomish County, WA

Other charges

Description: 9A.44.079 - Rape of a child in the third degree.,
Date convicted: May 23, 2006
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A


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