James Raymond Rumsey

Last Updated: January 3rd, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
5′ 6″ (1.68m)
145lbs (66kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Dec 17, 1962
Ethnicity: W
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Inmate number: 69896
Employment: FRAMER
Detainer: NO
Citizen: US
Case no: 07155236
Birth place: MIAMI
Inmate location: BRCSBH2

Known addresses

Florida 32812

Recent Arrests

Booking number: 14028472
Booking date: Aug 14, 2014
Booking location: Orange County, FL

Booking number: 14006151
Booking date: Feb 22, 2014
Booking location: Orange County, FL

Booking number: 13031634
Booking date: Sep 5, 2013
Booking location: Orange County, FL

Booking number: 13010780
Booking date: Mar 28, 2013
Booking location: Orange County, FL

Booking number: 12008459
Booking date: Mar 6, 2012
Booking location: Orange County, FL

Booking number: 11039026
Booking date: Oct 9, 2011
Booking location: Orange County, FL

Arresting agency: LAKE COUNTY S.O.
Arrest date: Sep 21, 2007
Arrest location: ORLANDO FL
Arrest officer: GALLADAY
Booking number: 0709493
Booking date: Sep 21, 2007
Booking officer: 1603
Release date: Oct 5, 2007
Booking location: Lake County, FL

Arrest date: Mar 21, 2006
Booking number: 56430
Booking date: Mar 21, 2006
Booking officer: echapm
Release date: Mar 21, 2006
Booking location: Lake County, FL

Recent Charges

Court location: TC1 - ORLANDO
Charge: Moving Traffic Viol-Knowingly Drive While Lic Susp
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 866
Bond amount: $250
Agency: Orange County Sheriff Office

Statute: 38.22
Offense type: O
Doc type: OC
Bondstatus: Closed
Agency cfs: 06CT14650

Court location: CC1 - ORLANDO
Court case: 482012MM002442O
Charge: Trespass On Property After Warning
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 151
Bond amount: $500
Agency: Orange County Sheriff Office

Statute: 322.34/2a-MSN
Offense type: M
Count: 1
Bondstatus: Open
Bond type: C/S
Bond amount: $10,000
Agency cfs: 06 CT 14650

Court location: CIRCUIT
Court case: 201400076209
Charge: Aggravated Battery
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 068
Bond amount: $0
Agency: Orlando Pd

Note: Icjis Affidavit, Original Charge(s): Aggrivated Battery - Doemstic Violence // Battery (one Prior
Court location: CIRCUIT
Court case: 2014CF11049AO
Charge: Agg. Battery (great Bodily Harm) Dom. Vio.
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 115
Bond amount: $0
Agency: Orlando Pd

Note: Icjis Affidavit, Original Charge(s): Aggrivated Battery - Doemstic Violence // Battery (one Prior
Court location: CIRCUIT
Court case: 2014CF11049AO
Charge: Battery (one Prior Battery)
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 116
Bond amount: $0
Agency: Orlando Pd

Court location: CIRCUIT
Court case: 482011CF013758O
Charge: Aggravated Battery W/deadly Wpn. (dom Vio)
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 551
Bond amount: $3,000
Agency: Orange County Sheriff Office

Court location: CIRCUIT
Court case: 482011CF013758O
Charge: Battery (domestic Violence)
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 552
Bond amount: $100
Agency: Orange County Sheriff Office

Court location: CIRCUIT
Court case: 482011CF013758O
Charge: Resisting Officer Without Violence
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 553
Bond amount: $100
Agency: Orange County Sheriff Office

Court location: CIRCUIT
Court case: 482011CF013729O
Charge: Burglary Of Dwelling W/assault Or Battery
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 556
Bond amount: $0
Agency: Orange County Sheriff Office

Court location: CIRCUIT
Charge: Criminal Mischief (>$200,
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 557
Bond amount: $100
Agency: Orange County Sheriff Office

Court location: CIRCUIT
Court case: 482011CF013729O
Charge: Battery
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 558
Bond amount: $100
Agency: Orange County Sheriff Office

Note: Icjis Affidavit, Original Charge(s): Fta Dwls W/ Knowledge
Court location: CC1 - ORLANDO
Court case: 482013MM009062O
Charge: Trespass In Occ. Structure Or Curtilage
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 070
Bond amount: $500
Agency: Orlando Pd

Court location: CC1 - ORLANDO
Court case: 482013MM009062O
Charge: Resisting Officer Without Violence
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 071
Bond amount: $100
Agency: Orlando Pd

Court location: CC1 - ORLANDO
Court case: 482013MM009062O
Charge: Resisting Officer Without Violence
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 072
Bond amount: $100
Agency: Orlando Pd

Court location: CC1 - ORLANDO
Court case: 482013MM009062O
Charge: Resisting Officer Without Violence
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 073
Bond amount: $100
Agency: Orlando Pd

Court location: TC1 - ORLANDO
Court case: 2013CT003040AO
Charge: Failure Of Defendant To Appear
Case status: Presentenced
Case sequence: 074
Bond amount: $0
Agency: Orlando Pd

Bonds Issued

Amount: $10,000


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.