Date of birth: | Jul 31, 1958 |
Hair: | Gray or partially gray |
Eyes: | Brown |
Occupation: | Mechanic |
Make calls: | Yes |
Language: | English |
Is released: | No (Currently |
Commissary number: | 8109043 |
Case number: | 2015-00008500 |
Bond type: | No Bond |
Possibility phone calls: | Yes |
Comments: | Braswell Bail Bond TTY |
Arresting agency: | Indian River County Sheriff's Office |
Arrest date: | Aug 24, 2015 |
Arrest location: | 4055 41st Ave Vero Beach |
Booking number: | 2015-00003485 |
Booking date: | Aug 24, 2015 |
Booking location: | Indian River County, FL |
Arresting agency: | Sebastian Police Department |
Arrest date: | Sep 8, 2006 |
Arrest location: | 25 South Airport Dr. |
Booking number: | 2006-00005366 |
Booking date: | Sep 8, 2006 |
Release reason: | Posted Bond |
Booking location: | Indian River County, FL |
Reason: | Misdemeanor Drive W/Suspended DL With Knowledge |
Bond type: | Cash/Surety |
Bond number: | 2006-00002127 |
Bond amount: | $500 |
Statute: | Viol Prob Felony Offense |