Arresting agency: | Goose Creek Police Department |
Booking date: | Aug 29, 2016 |
Booking location: | Berkeley County, SC |
Arresting agency: | Moncks Corner Police Department |
Booking date: | Jan 16, 2014 |
Booking location: | Berkeley County, SC |
Charge: | 44-53-0370(b)(2) ~ 186 ~ Drugs / Manuf., poss. of other sub. in Sch. I, II, III or flunitrazepam or analogue, w.i.t.d. - 780 |
Charge: | 16-23-0050(A)(2) ~ 44 ~ Weapons / Unlawful carrying of pistol 2660 |
Charge: | 44-53-0370(d)(4) ~ 659 ~ Drugs / Poss. of 28g (1 oz) or less of marijuana or 10g or less of hash - 1st offense 796 |
Charge: | 16-13-0180(B) ~ 3741 ~ RSG / Receiving goods, represented as stolen, value $2,000 or less |
Charge: | 16-11-0311 ~ 79 ~ Burglary / Burglary (After June 20, 1985) - First degree 496 |
Charge: | 16-11-0020 ~ 124 ~ Tools / Possession, making implements capable of being used in crime 2126 |
Charge: | 44-53-0370(d)(2) ~ 179 ~ Drugs / Poss. of other controlled sub. in Sched. I to V - 1st offense 801 |